DFG Research Unit FOR 721/2
Molecular Structure and Function of the Tight Junction
  Project 7   

Dorothee Günzel, PhD 

Institute of Clinical Physiology, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Charité Berlin

Renal claudins and their interactions

The aim of this project is firstly, the analysis of cis and trans interactions of kidney-typical claudins, and secondly, to clarify the interaction of claudin-16 with the apical chloride channel bestrophin. The experiments are performed on single and double transfected MDCK C7 cells and include the generation of claudin chimeras by exchanging the second extracellular loops, fluorescence studies of YFP-or CFP-tagged claudins, and freeze fracture electron microscopy analysis of tight junctions.

The interaction between claudin-16 with the two bestrophin isoforms 1 and 4 will be studied out by overexpression or knock-down (siRNA) of bestrophin in MDCK-C7 cells with or without claudin-16 coexpression. The functional effects of these interactions will be characterized and quantified electrophysiologically.

Granted by project 7

Publications 2010 - present (FOR 721/2)


  • Conrad MP*, Piontek J* (*shared first authorship), Günzel D, Fromm M, Krug SM (2016, online 2015) Molecular basis of claudin-17 anion selectivity. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 73(1): 185-200 (°IF 5.8) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF] [Supplement] TP1+TP6+TP7+TPZ{FFEM}






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