DFG Research Unit FOR 721/2
Molecular Structure and Function of the Tight Junction
  Project 8   

Heike Rittner, MD 
Dept. of Anesthesia and Critical Care, University Wuerzburg

Alexander Brack, MD
Dept. of Anesthesia and Critical Care, University Wuerzburg

Michael Fromm, Prof. MD 

Institute of Clinical Physiology, Campus Benjamin Franklin,
Charité, Freie Universitaet and Humboldt-Universitaet, Berlin

Tight junction proteins as permeability regulators in the perineurium and the antinociception of perineurally applied pharmaceuticals

Perineurally injected local anesthetics are used for treatment of intra- and postoperative pain. However, they cause unwanted motor blockade and may cause seizures or cardiac arrest after accidental intravascular injection. As an alternative, selective sodium channel blockers or opioids could be used, since they preferentially block pain or sensory senior (= nociceptive) fibers. They are, however, not used because of their low therapeutic index and lack of efficacy. The barrier function perineurium surrounding the nerve could be intentionally impaired by perineural injection of hypertonic saline solution which then could improve the effectiveness and/or therapeutic index of pain relieving drugs.

We examine the pain relieving (= antinociceptive) effect of blockers of voltage-gated sodium channels or opioids, the expression pattern of tight junction proteins in the perineurium of the sciatic nerve, and the mechanism of action of metalloproteinases on the permeability of the perineurium as well as on the expression of tight junction proteins.


Granted by project 8

Publications 2010 -2012 (FOR 721/2) (only Rittner, Brack, Hackel NOT Fromm with others)

 Previous work