(PubMed): 20 |
Dittmann I, Amasheh M, Krug SM, Markov AG, Fromm M, Amasheh S (2014) Laurate permeabilizes the paracellular pathway for small molecules in the intestinal epithelial cell model HT-29/B6 via opening the tight junctions by reversible relocation of claudin-5. Pharm. Res. 31(9): 2539-2548 {Erratum correcting a misprint in the Title: Pharm. Res. 32(2): 737}
Krug SM, Amasheh M, Dittmann I, Christoffel I, Fromm M, Amasheh S (2013) Sodium caprate as an enhancer of macromolecule permeation across tricellular tight junctions of intestinal cells. Biomaterials 34(1): 275-282
Amasheh M, Luettig J, Amasheh S, Zeitz M, Fromm M, Schulzke JD (2012) Effects of quercetin on the colonic cell culture model HT-29/B6 and rat intestine in vitro. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1258: 100-107
Rosenthal R, Heydt MS, Amasheh M, Stein C, Fromm M, Amasheh S (2012) Analysis of absorption enhancers in epithelial cell models. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.
Hering NA*, Andres S* (*shared first authorship), Fromm A, van Tol EA, Amasheh M, Mankertz J, Fromm M, Schulzke JD (2011) Transforming growth factor
b, a whey protein component, strengthens the intestinal barrier by upregulating claudin-4 in HT-29/B6 cells. J. Nutr. 141(5): 783-789 (IF 3.9) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]Schulzke JD*, Andres S*, Amasheh M* (*shared first authorship), Fromm A, Günzel D (2011) Anti-diarrheal mechanism of the traditional remedy Uzara via reduction of active chloride secretion. PLoS One 6(3): e18107 (print 1-9)
Amasheh M, Fromm A, Krug SM, Amasheh S, Andres S, Zeitz M, Fromm M, Schulzke JD (2010) TNFa-induced and berberine-antagonized tight junction barrier impairment via tyrosine kinase, pAkt, and NFkB signaling. J. Cell Sci. 123(23): 4145-4155 (IF 6.3) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF] [Supplements]
Markov AG*, Veshnyakova A* (*shared first authorship), Fromm M, Amasheh M, Amasheh S (2010) Segmental expression of claudin proteins correlates with tight junction barrier properties in rat intestine. J. Comp. Physiol. B 180(4): 591-598 (IF 1.9) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Amasheh M, Grotjohann I, Amasheh S, Fromm A, Söderholm JD, Zeitz M, Fromm M, Schulzke JD (2009) Regulation of mucosal structure and barrier function in rat colon exposed to tumor necrosis factor alpha and interferon gamma in vitro: A novel model for studying the pathomechanisms of inflammatory bowel disease cytokines. Scand. J. Gastroent. 44: 1226-1235 (IF 2.1) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Mankertz J*, Amasheh M* (*shared first authorship), Krug SM, Fromm A, Amasheh S, Hillenbrand B, Tavalali S, Fromm M, Schulzke JD (2009) TNFalpha up-regulates claudin-2 expression in epithelial HT-29/B6 cells via phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase signaling. Cell Tiss. Res. 336(1): 67-77 (IF 2.3) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Amasheh S*, Milatz S* (*shared first authorship), Krug SM, Bergs M, Amasheh M, Schulzke JD, Fromm M (2009) Na+ absorption defends from paracellular back-leakage by claudin-8 upregulation. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 378(1): 45-50 (IF 2.5) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Epple HJ, Schneider T, Troeger H, Kunkel D, Allers K, Moos V, Amasheh M, Loddenkemper C, Fromm M, Zeitz M, Schulzke JD (2009) Impairment of the
intestinal barrier is evident in untreated but absent in suppressively treated HIV-infected patients.
Gut 58: 220-227
(IF 9.4) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF] Reviews
Amasheh M, Andres S, Amasheh S, Fromm M, Schulzke JD (2009) Barrier effects of nutritional factors. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1165: 257-273 (IF 2.7) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Amasheh S, Milatz S, Krug SM, Markov AG, Günzel D, Amasheh M, Fromm M (2009) Tight junction proteins as channel formers and barrier builders: claudin-2, -5, and -8. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1165: 211-219 (IF 2.7) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Schulzke JD*, Ploeger S* (*shared first authorship), Amasheh M, Fromm A, Zeissig S, Troeger H, Richter JF, Bojarski C, Schumann M, Fromm M (2009) Epithelial tight junctions in intestinal inflammation. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1165: 294-300 (IF 2.7) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Schulzke JD, Tröger H, Amasheh M (2009) Disorders of intestinal secretion and absorption. Best Pract. Res. Clin. Gastroent. 23(3): 395-406 [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
2004 - 2008
Amasheh M, Schlichter S, Amasheh S, Mankertz J, Zeitz M, Fromm M, Schulzke JD (2008) Quercetin enhances epithelial barrier function and increases claudin-4 expression in Caco-2 cells. J. Nutr. 138(6):1067-1073 (IF 3.6) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Amasheh S, Barmeyer C, Koch CS, Tavalali S, Mankertz J, Epple HJ, Gehring M, Florian P, Kroesen AJ, Zeitz M, Fromm M, Schulzke JD (2004)
Cytokine-dependent transcriptional down-regulation of epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) in ulcerative colitis.
Gastroenterology 126: 1711-1720
(IF 13.0) [PubMed] [WebPage]
[PDF] Reviews
Amasheh M, Kroesen AJ, Schulzke JD (2007) Kurzdarmsyndrom - Welche Medikamente, welche Ernährung, welche operativen Optionen? Dtsch. Med. Wochenschr. 132: 1763-1767 [PubMed reference] [WebPage] [PDF]
Amasheh M, Schulzke JD, Zeitz M (2005) Medikamentöse Therapie der chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen. Was ist neu? Was bleibt? Internist. Prax. 45: 263-277
Doctoral thesis
Gehring M (2002) Charakterisierung der Kanaleigenschaften von Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor a an der Kolon-Karzinom-Zelle HT-29/B6 mittels Patch-Clamp-Technik, Doctoral thesis [Dr. med., magna cum laude, supervision Fromm M]