• DFG Research Training Group "TJ-Train" (GRK 2318)
    Tight junctions and their proteins
    Molecular features and actions in health and disease

    What's all about:  Summary      

  • In addition to the doctoral thesis projects,
    we offer two positions as 40 h/month student assistant (Studentische Hilfskraft):

    • Ideally, we look for one informatics and one biomedical engineering (BME) student.

    • Both students will be involved in all projects dealing with electrophysiological
      techniques (A1, A3, C1, C2, C3, C4) to further develop and adapt these techniques
      according to the needs of the projects.

    • The students will be closely involved in "TJ-Train" research activities and take part
      in all major events (summer school, TJ day, conference). If desired, the projects
      may result in a Master thesis or a PhD thesis at a later stage.

    • Applications or just further information via tj-train@charite.de (Rita Rosenthal).

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