Dr. rer. nat.
Roland Bücker
Orcid ID |
+49 30 450-514546
+49 30 450-514962
0000-0002-1345-4146 |
*equivalent to assistant professor (US) or senior lecturer (UK)
Research topics
2022 - 2026 |
Bücker |
Project C1 "Toxin effects on paracellular intestinal barrier function",
in: DFG Research Training Group (GRK 2318/2) "Tight junctions and their proteins: molecular
features and actions in health and disease (TJ-Train)"
2017 - 2020
2020 - 2022 |
Schulzke |
Project IP8 "Strengthening the intestinal barrier in
Campylobacter infection" and Project Z4 "In vitro assays", in BMBF Consortium "Preventing and combating Campylobacter infections: On track towards a
One Health approach (PAC-CAMPY)“, Coordinator Thomas Alter, VetMed FU Berlin |
2020 |
et al. |
DFG major instrumentation (Großgerät, 700 T€) STED super-resolution confocal microscope,
consortium project: Schulzke JD, Bücker R |
- 2009 Award of the Japanese Society for Campylobacter Research
1996 - 1997
and 1998 - 2003 |
Study of Biology, University Bochum, Germany |
2003 |
Diploma, „Der Einfluss verschiedener Pepsinisoenzyme auf das Überleben von Helicobacter pylori im Magenlumen in vivo“ |
2003 - 2007 |
Postgraduate, Institute of Physiology, University Bochum, Germany |
2007 |
PhD thesis (Dr. rer. nat.), „Die akute Kolonisation des Magenmucus durch Helicobacter pylori in vivo – der erste Schritt der Infektion“ |
2007 |
Research associate, Dept. Gastroenterology & Inst. Clinical Physiology, Charité Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin; DFG KFO104 |
since 2008 |
Research associate, Div. Nutritinal Medicine, Dept. Gastroenterology, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Charité Berlin |
13.07.2015 |
Habilitation for "Privatdozent"
(US eqivalent "associate professor"), Experimental biomedicine |
Duties |
2010 - 2014 |
Coordinating Officer for Teaching of the Div. Nutritional Medicine |
since 2016 |
Deputy member of the Charité doctoral committee |
since 2020 |
Editorial board, section 'Bacterial toxins': Toxins |