Medizinische Klinik für Gastroenterologie, Infektiologie und Rheumatologie (einschl. Arbeitsbereich Ernährungsmedizin) CBF
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  • Job offer PhD position for a research assistant in the DFG project ‘The Role of Cldn10a in Kidney Injury Susceptibility’. Detailed information on this project, the project leader, and the application procedure can be found here

  • Mathew-Schmitt S, Oerter S, Reitenbach E, Gätzner S, Höchner A, Jahnke HG, Piontek J, Neuhaus W, Brachner A, Metzger M, Appelt-Menzel A (2025) Generation of advanced blood-brain barrier spheroids using human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived brain capillary endothelial-like cells. Adv. Biol.  9(#): e2400442 (online ahead of print) (14 pages). doi: 10.1002/adbi.202400442 (°IF 3.2)

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