Medizinische Klinik für Gastroenterologie, Infektiologie und Rheumatologie (einschl. Arbeitsbereich Ernährungsmedizin) CBF Clinical Physiology / Nutritional Medicine |
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21.01.2025 Promotion Dr. rer. nat. Lena Voges, "Direct and indirect interaction mechanisms of immune cells and tight junction proteins". Magna cum laude, Freie Universität Berlin, DFG-GRK 2318, project C2, supervison Susanne M. Krug
Pouyiourou I, Fromm A, Piontek J, Rosenthal R,
Masete KV, Günzel D, Schulzke JD, Epple HJ*, Hering NA* (*shared last authorship) (2025) Matrix-free human 2D organoids recapitulate duodenal barrier and transport properties. BMC Biol. 23(1): 2 (13 pages). doi: 10.1186/s12915-024-02105-7 (°IF 4.4)
Bao LL, Yu YQ, González-Acera M, Patankar JV, Giessl A, Sturm G, Kühl AA, Atreya R, Erkert L, Gámez-Belmonte R, Krug SM, Schmid B, Tripal P, Chiriac M, Hildner K, Siegmund B, Wirtz S, Stürzl M, Abdou MM, Trajanoski Z, The TRR241 IBDome Consortium, Neurath MF, Zorzano A, Becker C (2025) Epithelial OPA1 links mitochondrial fusion to inflammatory bowel disease.
DFG KFO grant continued (2025 - 2028) Rittner HL, Krug SM, Schindehütte: Project 7 "Comparison of human and rodent neuronal barriers in pain resolution and their manipulation", in: DFG Klinische Forschungsgruppe (KFO 5001/2), coordinators C. Sommer and H. Rittner (Würzburg) "Peripheral mechanisms of pain and their resolution"
Hartmannsberger B, Ben-Kraiem A, Kramer S, Guidolin C, Kazerani I, Doppler K, Thomas D, Gurke R, Sisignano M, Kalelkar PP, García AJ, Monje PV, Sammeth M, Nusrat A, Brack A, Krug SM, Sommer C, Rittner HL (2025) TAM receptors mediate the Fpr2-driven pain resolution and fibrinolysis after nerve injury. Acta Neuropathol. 149(1): 1 (21 pages). doi: 10.1007/s00401-024-02840-9 (°IF 9.3)
Krug SM, Fromm M (2024) Special Issue on "The tight junction and its proteins: From structure to pathologies". Int. J. Mol. Sci. ###: ### (4 pages) (°IF 4.9) (Editorial)
Nagarajan SK, Weber J, Roderer D, Piontek J (2025) C. perfringens enterotoxin-claudin pore complex: Models for structure, mechanism of pore assembly and cation permeability. Comp. Struct. Biotechnol. J. 27: 287-306. doi: 10.1016/j.csbj.2024.11.048 (°IF 4.5)
Marinovic I, Bartosova M, Levai E, Herzog R, Saleem A, Du Z, Zhang C, Sacnun JM, Pitaraki E, Sinis S, Damgov I, Krunic D, Lajqi T, Al-Saeedi M, Szabo JA, Hausmann M, Domonkos P, Kratochwill K, Krug SM, Zarogiannis SG, Schmitt CP (2024) Molecular and functional characterization of the peritoneal mesothelium, a barrier for solute transport. Function (in press 10.12.2024), doi: 10.1093/function/zqae051 (°IF 5.1)
Mathew-Schmitt S, Oerter S, Reitenbach E, Gätzner S, Höchner A, Jahnke HG, Piontek J, Neuhaus W, Brachner A, Metzger M, Appelt-Menzel A (2024) Generation of advanced blood-brain barrier spheroids using human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived brain capillary endothelial-like cells. Adv. Biol. ### (## pages). doi: ### (°IF 3.2) (accepted 18.11.2024)
Liebing E*, Krug SM* (*shared first authorship), Neurath MF, Siegmund B, Becker C (2025) Wall of resilience: How the intestinal epithelium prevents inflammatory onslaught in the gut. Cell. Mol. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 19(2): 101423 (17 pages) doi:10.1016/j.jcmgh.2024.101423
New doctoral students: Janna Bleck, Amélie Moll
Horn V, Cancino CA, Steinheuer LM, Obermayer B, Fritz K, Nguyen AL, Juhran KS, Plattner C, Bösel D, Oldenburg L, Burns M, Schulz AR, Saliutina M, Mantzivi E, Lissner D, Conrad T, Mashreghi MF, Zundler S, Sonnenberg E, Schumann M, Haag LM, Beule D, Flatz L, TRR241 IBDome Consortium* (*with Krug SM, Schulzke JD), Trjanoski Z, D'Haens G, Weidinger C, Mei HE, Siegmund B, Thurley K, Hegazy AN (2024) Multimodal profiling of peripheral blood identifies proliferating circulating effector CD4+ T cells as predictors for response to integrin α4β7-blocking therapy in inflammatory bowel disease.
van der Veen RE, Piontek J, Bieck M, Saiti A, Gonschior H, Lehmann M (2024) Claudin-4 polymerizes after a small extracellular claudin-3-like substitution. J. Biol. Chem. 300(10): 107693 (14 pages). doi: 10.1016/j.jbc.2024.107693 (°IF 4.0)
Lehmann M, Weixler B, Elezkurtaj S, Loddenkemper C, TRR241 IBDome Consortium* (*with Krug SM, Schulzke JD), Kühl AA, Siegmund B (2024) Spatial Single Cell Profiling Using Imaging Mass Cytometry: Inflammatory Versus Penetrating Crohn's Disease.
Erkert L, Gamez-Belmonte R, Kabisch M, Schödel L, Patankar JV, Gonzalez-Acera M, Mahapatro M, Bao LL, Plattner C, Kühl AA, Shen J, Serneels L, De Strooper B, TRR241 IBDome Consortium* (*with Krug SM, Schulzke JD), Neurath MF, Wirtz S, Becker C (2024) Alzheimer's disease-related presenilins are key to intestinal epithelial cell function and gut immune homoeostasis. Gut 73(10): 1618-1631. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2023-331622 (°IF 23.0)
Schulz-Kuhnt A, Rühle K, Javidmehr A, Döbrönti M, Biwank J, Knittel S, Neidlinger P, Leupold J, Liu LJ, Dedden M, Taudte RV, Gessner A, Fromm MF, Mielenz D, Kreiss L, Waldner MJ, Schürmann S, Friedrich O, Dietel B, López-Posadas R, Plattner C, TRR241 IBDome Consortium* (*with Krug SM, Schulzke JD), Zundler S, Becker C, Atreya R, Neurath MF, Atreya I (2024) ATP citrate lyase (ACLY)-dependent immunometabolism in mucosal T cells drives experimental colitis in vivo. Gut 73(4): 601-612. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2023-330543 (°IF 23.0)
Heimesaat MM, Mousavi S, Lobo de Sá FD, Peh E, Schulzke JD, Bücker R, Kittler S, Bereswill S (2024) Oral curcumin ameliorates acute murine campylobacteriosis. Front Immunol. 15: 1363457 (14 pages). doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1363457 (°IF 5.7)
Tsamo Tetou A, Günzel D (2024) The role of claudins in renal transepithelial transport and kidney disease. Curr. Opin. Nephrol. Hypertens. 33(5): 535-542 (8 pages), doi: 10.1097/mnh.0000000000001003 (°IF 2.2) (Review)
Voges L, Weiß F, Branco AT, Fromm M, Krug SM (2024) Expression and localization profiles of tight junction proteins in immune cells depend on their activation status. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25(9): 4861 (18 pages), doi: 10.3390/ijms25094861 (°IF 4.9)
Daci D*, Altrichter S* (*shared first authorship), Grillet F, Dib S, Mouna A, Suresh Kumar S, Terhorst-Molawi D, Maurer M, Günzel D°, Jörg Scheffel J° (°shared last authorship) (2024) Altered sweat composition due to changes in tight junction expression of sweat glands in cholinergic urticaria patients. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25(9): 4658 (16 pages), doi: 10.3390/ijms25094658 (°IF 4.9)
Citi S, Fromm M, Furuse M, Gonzalez-Mariscal L, Nusrat A, Tsukita S, Turner JR (2024) Tight junctions, from past to future. J. Cell Sci. 137(9): jcs261776 (12 pages), doi: 10.1242/jcs.261776 (°IF 3.3)
Nagarajan SK, Piontek J (2024) Molecular dynamics simulations of claudin-10a and -10b ion channels: With similar architecture, different pore linings determine the opposite charge selectivity. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25(6): 3161 (23 pages), doi: 10.3390/ijms25063161 (°IF 4.9)
Pfeffer T*, Krug SM* (*shared first authorship), Kracke T, Schürfeld R, Colbatzky F, Kirschner P, Medert R, Freichel M, Schumacher D, Bartosova M, Zarogiannis SG, Muckenthaler MU, Altamura S, Pezer S, Volk N, Schwab C, Duensing S, Fleming T, Heidenreich E, Zschocke J, Hell R, Poschet G, Schmitt CP°, Peters V° (°shared last authorship) (2024) Knock-out of dipeptidase CN2 in human proximal tubular cells disrupts dipeptide and amino acid homeostasis and para- and transcellular solute transport. Acta Physiol. 240(4): e14126 (20 pages), doi: 10.1111/apha.14126 (°IF 5.6)
Alija C,
Knobe L,
I, Furuse M, Rosenthal R, Günzel D (2024) Integrating continuous transepithelial flux measurements into an Ussing chamber set-up.
Int. J. Mol. Sci.
25(4): 2252 (13 pages),
doi: 10.3390/ijms25042252
(°IF 4.9) 11.01.2024 Promotion
Awad K, Barmeyer C, Bojarski C, Nagel O, Lee IM, Schweiger MR, Schulzke JD*, Bücker R* (*shared last authorship)
(2023) Epithelial barrier dysfunction in diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-D) via downregulation of claudin-1.
12(24), 2846 (17 pages). doi: 10.3390/cells12242846
(IF 5.1) Legere EA, Baumholtz AI, Lachance JB, Archer M,
Piontek J, Ryan AK (2024) Claudin-3 in
the non-neural ectoderm is essential for neural fold fusion in chicken embryos. Dev. Biol. 507: 20-33.
doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2023.12.009
Hader H, Hering NA, Schulzke JD, Bücker R, Rosenthal R (2023) Myrrh protects against IL-13-induced epithelial barrier breakdown in HT-29/B6
Front. Pharmacol. 14: 1301800 (11 pages).
doi: 10.3389/fphar.2023.1301800 (°IF
Schneemann M, Heils L, Moos V, Weiß F,
Krug SM, Weiner J, Beule D, Gerhard R, Schulzke JD, Bücker R (2023) A colonic organoid model challenged with
the large toxins of
Clostridioides difficile TcdA and TcdB exhibit deregulated tight junction proteins. Toxins
15: 643 (19 pages). doi: 10.3390/toxins15110643
(IF 3.9) Krug SM, 06.11.23: Election as Voting Member of the Charité Doctoral Committee 23.09.2023 Piontek J,
grant accepted (PI 837/4-3) "Molekulare Architektur Claudin-basierender Tight Junction-Stränge und parazellulärer Ionenkanäle", 2023-2026 Krug SM (2023)
Solving the puzzle: Molecular research in inflammatory bowel diseases.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24(17): 13389 (4 pages, Editorial article). doi:
(IF 4.9)
01.08.2023 Fromm M: Appointment as Editor-in-Chief for Section Physiology of Biology (Basel)
Chen JT*, Hu X* (*shared first authorship), Otto IUC, Schürger C, Rogalla von Bieberstein B, Doppler K, Krug SM, Hankir MK, Blasig R, Sommer C, Brack A, Blasig IE, Rittner HL (2023) Myelin barrier breakdown, mechanical hypersensitivity, and painfulness in polyneuropathy with claudin-12 deficiency. Neurobiol. Dis. 30: 106246 (14 pages), doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2023.106246 (IF 5.1)
Waldow A*, Beier LS* (*shared first authorship), Arndt J, Schallenberg S, Vollbrecht C, Bischoff P, Farrera-Sal M, Loch FN, Bojarski C, Schumann M, Winkler L, Kamphues C, Ehlen L°, Piontek J° (°shared last authorship) (2023) cCPE fusion proteins as molecular probes to detect claudins and tight junction dysregulation in gastrointestinal cell lines, tissue explants and patient-derived organoids. Pharmaceutics 15(7): 1980 (23 pages). doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics15071980 (IF 4.9)
Krug SM, Grünhagen C, Allers K, Bojarski C, Seybold J, Schneider T, Schulzke JD, Epple HJ (2023) Macromolecule translocation across the intestinal mucosa of HIV-infected patients by transcytosis and through apoptotic leaks. Cells 12(14): 1887 (13 pages). doi: 10.3390/cells12141887 (IF 5.1)
Meoli L, Günzel D (2023) The role of claudins in homeostasis. Nat. Rev. Nephrol. (17 pages), doi: 10.1038/s41581-023-00731-y, free access: (IF 28.6)
Sell T, Klotz C, Fischer MM, Astaburuaga-García R, Krug SM, Drost J, Clevers H, Sers C, Morkel M, Blüthgen N (2023) Oncogenic signalling is coupled to colorectal cancer cell differentiation state. J. Cell Biol. 222(6): e202204001 (21 pages), doi: 10.1083/jcb.202204001 (IF 7.4)
Wittner L, Wagener L, Wiese JJ, Stolzer I, Krug SM, Naschberger E, Jackstadt R, Beyaert R, Atreya R, Kühl AA, Sturm G, Gonzalez-Acera M, Patankar JV, Becker C, Siegmund B, Trajanoski Z, Winner B, Neurath MF, Schumann M, Günther C (2023) Proteolytic activity of the paracaspase MALT1 Is involved in epithelial restitution and mucosal healing. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24(8): 7402 (21 pages), doi: 10.3390/ijms24087402 (IF 4.9)
Omarova S, Awad K, Moos V, Püning C, Gölz G, Schulzke JD, Bücker R (2023) Intestinal barrier in post-Campylobacter jejuni irritable bowel syndrome. Biomolecules 13(3): 449 (14 pages). doi: 10.3390/biom13030449 (IF 4.8)
Friebel J, Schinnerling K, Weigt K, Heldt C, Fromm A, Bojarski C, Siegmund B, Epple HJ, Kikhney J, Moter A, Schneider T, Schulzke JD, Moos V, Schumann M (2023) Uptake of Tropheryma whipplei by intestinal epithelia. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24(7): 6197 (20 pages) doi: 10.3390/ijms24076197 (IF 4.9)
Wuttke M, König E, Katsara MA, Kirsten H, Khomeijani Farahani S, Teumer A, Li Y, Lang M, Göçmen B, Pattaro C, Günzel D, Köttgen A, Fuchsberger C (2023) Imputation-powered whole-exome analysis identifies genes associated with kidney function and disease in the UK Biobank. Nat. Commun. 14: 1287 (16 pages), doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-36864-8 (IF 14.7)
Nagarajan SK, Klein S, Fadakar BS, Piontek J (2023) Claudin-10b cation channels in tight junction strands: Octameric-interlocked pore barrels constitute paracellular channels with low water permeability Comp. Struct. Biotechnol. J. 21: 1711-1727, doi: 10.1016/j.csbj.2023.02.009 (IF 4.4)
Heils L, Schneemann M, Gerhard R, Schulzke JD, Bücker R (2023) CDT of Clostridioides difficile induces MLC-dependent intestinal barrier dysfunction in HT-29/B6 epithelial cell monolayers. Toxins (Basel) 15(1): 54 (15 pages). doi: 10.3390/toxins15010054 (IF 3.9)
Kriuchkova N, Breiderhoff T, Müller D, Yilmaz DE, Demirci H, Drewell H, Günzel D, Himmerkus N, Bleich M, Persson PB, Mutig K (2023) Furosemide rescues hypercalciuria in familial hypomagnesaemia with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis model. Acta Physiol. 237(3): e13927 (16 pages), doi: 10.1111/apha.13927 (IF 5.6)
Awad K, Barmeyer C, Bojarski C, Nagel O, Lee IM, Schweiger MR, Schulzke JD*, Bücker R* (*shared last authorship) (2023) Impaired intestinal permeability of tricellular tight junctions in patients with irritable bowel syndrome with mixed bowel habits (IBS-M). Cells 12(2), 236 (19 pages); doi: 10.3390/cells12020236, Supplement (IF 5.1)
Martins R, Mateus C, Domingues F, Bücker R, Oleastro M, Ferreira S (2022) Effect of atmospheric conditions on pathogenic phenotypes of Arcobacter butzleri. Microorganisms 10(12): 2409 (14 pages), doi: 10.3390/microorganisms10122409 (°IF 4.9)
Haas AJ, Zihni C, Krug SM, Maraspini R, Otani T, Furuse M, Honigmann A, Balda MS*, Matter K* (*shared last authorship) (2022) Reciprocal regulation of cell mechanics and ZO-1 guides tight junction assembly and epithelial morphogenesis. Cells 11(23): 3775 (30 pages), doi: 10.3390/cells11233775 (°IF 7.7)
Günzel D (2022) Is there a molecular basis for solvent drag in the renal proximal tubule? Pflügers Arch. Eur. J. Physiol. ###: ###-### (5 pages), doi: 10.1007/s00424-022-02773-w (°IF 4.5)
11.10.2022 We will have a new Special Issue of Int. J. Mol. Sci. on the tight junction topic. The deadline is set late, allowing for early planning. Details
30.09.2022 Promotion: Karem Awad, "Epitheliale Barrierefunktion des Kolons beim Reizdarmsyndrom des Mischtyps". GRK 2318, project C1
30.09.2022 Promotion: Janna Leiz, "Molecular functions of the transcriptional regulator AP-2 alpha (TFAP2A) in the renal collecting duct". GRK 2318, project B4
Zejc T, Piontek J, Schulzke JD, Fromm M, Ervens J*, Rosenthal R* (*shared last authorship) (2022) Clinical significance of claudin expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23(19): 11234 (13 pages), doi: 10.3390/ijms231911234 (°IF 6.2)
GRK 2318 / TJ-Train Retreat Sep 2022: Program Group photo
Prof. Dr. med. Michael Wiederholt: Ernennung zum Ehrenmitglied der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft für herausragende Verdienste um die Augenheilkunde und in Anerkennug wegweisender Arbeiten auf seinem wissenschaftlichen Gebiet.
Wang Y, Scheffel J, Vera CA, Liu W, Günzel D, Terhorst-Molawi D, Maurer M, Altrichter S (2022) Impaired sweating in patients with cholinergic urticaria is linked to low expression of acetylcholine receptor CHRM3 and acetylcholine esterase in sweat glands. Front Immunol. 13: 955161 (11 pages). doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.955161, Supplements (°IF 8.9)
Beier LS*, Waldow A* (*shared first authorship), Khomeijani Farahani S, Mannweiler R, Vidal-Y-Sy S, Brandner JM, Piontek J°, Günzel D° (°shared last authorship) (2022) Claudin targeting as an effective tool for directed barrier modulation of the viable epidermis. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. doi: 10.1111/nyas.14879 (°IF 6.5)
Quintanova C*, Himmerkus N* (*shared first authorship), Svendsen SL, von Schwerdtner O, Merkel C, Pinckert L, Mutig K, Breiderhoff T, Müller D, Günzel D, Bleich M (2022) Unrecognized role of claudin-10b in basolateral membrane infoldings of the thick ascending limb. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. doi: org/10.1111/nyas.14882 (°IF 6.5)
Schindler B, Günzel D, Schmid T (2021) Transcending two-path impedance spectroscopy with machine learning: A computational study on modeling and quantifying electric bipolarity of epithelia. Int. J. Adv. Life Sci. 13(3-4), 134-148,
Gonschior H, Schmied C, Van der Veen R, Eichhorst J, Himmerkus N, Piontek J, Günzel D, Bleich M, Furuse M, Haucke V, Lehmann M (2022) Nanoscale segregation of channel and barrier claudins enables paracellular ion flux. Nat. Commun. 13(1): 4985 (20 pages). doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-32533-4, Supplement (°IF 17.7)
Kaak JL, Lobo de Sá FD, Turner JR, Schulzke JD, Bücker R (2022) Unraveling the intestinal epithelial barrier in cyanotoxin microcystin-treated Caco-2 cell monolayers. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. doi: 10.1111/nyas.14870 (°IF 6.5)
25.05.2022 Granted by DFG: Transregio-SFB (TRR 241/2), 2nd funding period 2022 - 2026, therein project B6: Krug, Schulzke "Interplay of the impaired tight junction and the subjacent immune cells in IBD"
Reinhold AK, Krug SM, Salvador E, Sauer RS, Karl-Schöller F, Malcangio M, Sommer C, Rittner HL (2022) MicroRNA-21-5p functions via RECK/MMP9 as a proalgesic regulator of the blood nerve barrier in nerve injury. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. (°IF 4.7) (accepted 17.05.22)
Weiß F, Czichos C, Knobe L, Voges L, Bojarski C, Michel G, Fromm M, Krug SM (2022) MarvelD3 is upregulated in ulcerative colitis and has attenuating effects during colitis indirectly stabilizing the intestinal barrier. Cells 11: 1551 (16 pages) doi: 10.3390/cells11091541 (°IF 6.6) (accepted 03.05.22, published 04.05.22)
Weiß F, Holthaus D, Kraft M, Klotz C, Schneemann M, Schulzke JD, Krug SM (2022) Human duodenal organoid derived monolayers serve as a suitable barrier model for duodenal tissue. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. (°IF 4.7) (accepted 02.05.22)
Hempel C*, Rosenthal R* (*shared first authorship), Fromm A, Krug SM, Fromm M, Günzel D, Piontek J (2022) Tight junction channels claudin-10b and claudin-15: Functional mapping of pore-lining residues. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. (°IF 4.7) (accepted 25.04.22)
Beier LS, Piontek J, Piontek A, Protze J, Kobelt D, Walther W (2022) Claudin-targeted suicide gene therapy for claudin-overexpressing tumor cells by using modified Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin (CPE). In: Gene therapy of cancer. Methods and protocols. Springer. (book chapter, in press)
Warschkau D, Delgado-Betancourt E, Holthaus D, Müller A, Kliem G, Krug SM, Schulzke JD, Aebischer T, Klotz C*, Seeber F* (*shared last authorship) (2022). From 3D to 2D: Harmonization of protocols for two-dimensional cultures on cell culture inserts of intestinal organoids from various species. Bio-protocol 12(2): e4295 (25 pages). doi: 10.21769/BioProtoc.4295 (°IF 0.2)
Breiderhoff T*, Himmerkus N* (*shared first authorship), Meoli L, Fromm A, Sewerin S, Kriuchkova N, Nagel O, Ladilov Y, Krug SM, Quintanova C, Stumpp M, Garbe-Schönberg D, Westernströer U, Merkel C, Brinkhus MA, Altmüller J, Schweiger MR, Müller D, Mutig K, Morawski M, Halbritter J, Milatz S, Bleich M*, Günzel D* (*shared last authorship) (2022) Claudin-10a deficiency shifts proximal tubular Cl- permeability to cation selectivity via claudin-2 redistribution. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 33(1): ###-###, doi: 10.1681/ASN.2021030286 (°IF 10.1)
Holthaus D*, Kraft MR* (*shared first authorship), Krug SM, Wolf S, Müller A, Delgado Betancourt E, Schorr M, Holland G, Knauf F, Schulzke JD, Aebischer T°, Klotz C° (°shared last authorship) (2022) Dissection of barrier dysfunction in organoid-derived human intestinal epithelia induced by Giardia duodenalis. Gastroenterology 162(3): 844-858, (°IF 22.7)
19.04.2021, Dr. Jia-Chen Hu, Dr. rer. nat. (PhD), Magna cum laude (DFG GRK 2318 project C2, PI Susanne Krug)
29.04.2021, Dr. Carlos Ayala-Torres, Dr. rer. nat. (PhD), Magna cum laude (DFG GRK 2318 project A3, PI Michael Fromm)
04.0520.21, Dr. Laura-Sopie Beier, Dr. rer. nat. (PhD), Magna cum laude (DFG GRK 2318 project A2, PI Jörg Piontek)
11.05.2021, Dr. Fábia Lobo de Sá, Dr. rer. nat. (PhD), Magna cum laude (BMBF PAC-CAMPY project IP8, PI Roland Bücker)
01.07.2021, Dr. Deborah Delbue, Dr. rer. nat. (PhD), Magna cum laude (DFG GRK 2318 project C3, PI Michael Schumann)
19.08.2021, Dr. Roman Mannweiler, Dr. ing., Magna cum laude (DFG GRK 2318 project A1, PI Gorothee Günzel)
06.09.2021, Dr. Danielle Cardoso da Silva, Dr. rer. nat. (PhD), Magna cum laude (DFG GRK 2318 project B2, PI Michael Schumann)
13.09.2021, Dr. Praveen Kumar Nattramilarasu, Dr. rer. nat. (PhD), Magna cum laude (DFG GRK 2318 project C1, PI Jörg-Dieter Schulzke)
Chen JTC, Schmidt L, Schürger C, Hankier MK, Krug SM, Rittner HL (2021) Netrin-1 as a multitarget barrier stabilizer in the peripheral nerve after injury. Int. J. Mol. Sci. (SI “Novel mechanisms and drug molecules modulating chronic pain") 22(18): 10090 (16 pages+Suppl)., Supplement (°IF 5.9)
Angiocrine regulation of epithelial barrier integrity in inflammatory bowel disease (Review) (°IF 5.1)
Ayala-Torres C, Krug SM, Rosenthal R*, Fromm M* (*shared last authorship) (2021) Angulin-1 (LSR) affects paracellular water transport, however only in tight epithelial cells. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22: 7827 (25 pages). doi: 10.3390/ijms22157827 (°IF 5.9)
Ehrenhaus Masotta N*, Martinez-Perafan F* (*shared first authorship), Carballo MA, Gorzalczany SB, Rojas AM, Tripodi VP (2021) Genotoxic risk in humans and acute toxicity in rats of a novel oral high-dose coenzyme Q10 oleogel. Toxicol. Rep. 8: 1229-1239, doi: 10.1016/j.toxrep.2021.06.012
Sewerin S, Piontek J, Schönauer R, Grunewald S, Rauch A, Neuber S, Bergmann C, Günzel D*, Halbritter J* (*shared last authorship) (2021) Defective claudin-10 causes a novel variation of HELIX syndrome through compromised tight junction strand assembly. Genes Dis. [12.06.21 accepted] (°IF 4.8)
Lobo de Sá FD, Heimesaat MM, Bereswill S, Nattramilarasu PK, Schulzke JD, Bücker R (2021) Resveratrol prevents Campylobacter jejuni-induced leaky gut by restoring occludin and claudin-5 in the paracellular leak pathway. Front. Pharmacol. 12: 640572. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.640572 (°IF 4.2)
Dias MC, Quesada AO, Soldati S, Boesch F, Gruber I, Hildbrand T, Soenmez D, Khire T, Witz G, McGrath JL, Piontek J, Kondoh M, Deutsch U, Zuber B, Engelhardt B (2021) Brain endothelial tricellular junctions as novel sites for T-cell diapedesis across the blood-brain barrier. J. Cell Sci. [15.03.21 accepted] (°IF 4.6)
Hu JCE, Weiß F, Bojarski C, Branchi F, Schulzke JD, Fromm M, Krug SM (2021) Expression of tricellular tight junction proteins and the paracellular macromolecule barrier are recovered in remission of ulcerative colitis. BMC Gastroenterology [15.03.21 accepted] (°IF 2.5)
Alzahrani AS, Hussein M, Alswailem M, Mouna A, Albalawi L, Moria Y, Jabbar MA, Shi Y, Günzel D*, Dasouki M* (*equally contributing) (2021) A novel claudin-10 mutation with a unique mechanism in two unrelated families with HELIX syndrome. Kidney Int. ### (in press), doi: 10.1016/j.kint.2021.02.023, Supplement (°IF 8.9)
Delbue D, Lebenheim L, Cardoso-Silva D, Dony V, Krug SM, Richter JF, Munoz M, Wolk K, Heldt C, Heimesaat M, Sabat R, Siegmund B, Schumann M (2021) Reprogramming intestinal epithelial cell polarity by interleukin-22. Front. Med. ### (°IF 3.9) (accepted 10.03.21)
Hering NA, Luettig J, Jebautzke B, Schulzke JD, Rosenthal R (2021) The punicalagin metabolites ellagic acid and urolithin A exert different strengthening and anti-inflammatory effects on tight junction-mediated intestinal barrier function in vitro. Front. Phamacol. 12: 610164, doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.610164 (°IF 4.2)
Lobo de Sá FD, Schulzke JD, Bücker R (2021) Diarrheal mechanisms and the role of intestinal barrier dysfunction in Campylobacter infections. Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol. 431: 203-231. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-65481-8_8 (°IF 3.1)
Mannweiler R, Bergmann S, Vidal-Y-Sy S, Brandner JM, Günzel D (2021) Direct assessment of individual skin barrier components by electrical impedance spectroscopy. Allergy (accepted 07.03.21) (°IF 8.7)
Nattramilarasu PK, Lobo de Sá FD, Schulzke JD, Bücker R (2021) Immune-mediated aggravation of the Campylobacter concisus-induced epithelial barrier dysfunction. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22(4): 2043 (23 pages). doi: 10.3390/ijms22042043, Supplement PDF (°IF 4.6)
DFG-Sachbeihilfe 2021-2024: Schulzke JD (Schu 559/11-5) "Mechanismen epithelialer Barrierestörung bei gastrointestinalen Infektionen"
DFG-Sachbeihilfe 2021-2024: Günzel D (GU 447/14-2) "Funktionelle Interaktion von Claudinen im renalen lonentransport"
25.11.20 Paper accepted & published Heimesaat MM, Mousavi S, Escher U, Lobo de Sá FD, Peh E, Schulzke JD, Kittler S, Bücker R, Bereswill S (2020) Resveratrol alleviates acute Campylobacter jejuni-induced enterocolitis in a preclinical murine intervention study. Microorganisms 8: 1858 (15 pages) (°IF 4.2) [PubMed] [DOI] [PDF] [Supplement]
20.11.20 DFG grant accepted Piontek J (2021-2023) (PI 837/4-2) "Molekulare Architektur Claudin-basierender Tight Junction-Stränge und parazellulärer Ionenkanäle"
20.10.20 Paper accepted Hu JCE, Bojarski C, Branchi F, Fromm M, Krug SM (2020) Leptin downregulates angulin-1 in active Crohn's disease via STAT3. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21(21): 7824 (17 pages) (°IF 4.6) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF] [Supplement]
01.10.20 DFG Research Training Group "TJ-Train" (GRK 2318): First day for the second cohort of doctoral students, eight of which working in the KlinPhysio labs
28.09.20 Major instrumentation accepted by DFG: STED superresolution confocal microscope, 700 T€, corresponding applicant Günzel D
24.09.20 DFG grant accepted Rittner HL und Krug SM, Project 7 "Neuropathic pain resolution by nerve barrier sealing via endogenous netrin-1", in: DFG Klinische Forschungsgruppe (KFO 5001), coordinators Sommer C and Rittner HL (Würzburg) "Peripheral mechanisms of pain and their resolution". In Berlin: PhD student.
01.08.20 Roland Bücker: Guest Editor of Toxins (IF 3.5), Special Issue "Escherichia coli Toxins and Intestinal Diseases", Deadline for submissions 14.06.21, Flyer (PDF)
26.06.20 Accepted Krug SM, Fromm M (2020) Special issue on "The tight junction and its proteins – more than just a barrier". Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21(13): 4612 (10 pages) (°IF 4.6) (Editorial)
05.05.20 Paper accepted Meoli L, Günzel D (2020) Channel functions of claudins in the organization of biological systems. BBA - Biomembranes 1862(9): 183344 (18 pages) ( (°IF 3.4) [Part of Special Volume "The vertebrate epithelial apical junctional complex", Hervé JC ed.] (Review)
19.03.20 Paper accepted Piontek J, Krug SM, Protze J, Krause G, Fromm M (2020) Molecular architecture and assembly of the tight junction backbone. BBA - Biomembranes 1862(7): 183279 (15 pages) (°IF 3.4) [Starting article of Special Volume "The vertebrate epithelial apical junctional complex", Hervé JC ed.]
05.03.20 Paper accepted Kjærgaard S, Damm MMB, Chang J, Riis LB, Rasmussen HB, Hytting-Andreasen R, Krug SM, Schulzke JD, Bindslev N, Berner-Hansen M (2020) Altered structural expression and enzymatic activity parameters in quiescent ulcerative colitis: Are these potential normalization criteria? Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21(#): ### (## pages) (°IF 4.6)
02.03.20 Paper accepted Bücker R, Zakrzewski SS, Wiegand S, Pieper R, Fromm A, Fromm M, Günzel D, Schulzke JD (2020) Zinc prevents intestinal epithelial barrier dysfunction induced by alpha-hemolysin-producing Escherichia coli 536 infection in porcine colon. Vet. Microbiol. ###: ###-### (°IF 3.0) [PubMed] [WebPage]
28.02.20 Paper accepted Hempel C, Protze J, Altun E, Riebe B, Piontek A, Fromm A, Lee IM, Saleh T, Günzel D, Krause G, Piontek J (2020) Assembly of tight junction strands: Claudin-10b and claudin-3 form homo-tetrameric building blocks that polymerize in a channel-independent manner. J. Mol. Biol. ###: ###-### (°IF 4.8) [PubMed] [WebPage]
28.02.20 The link to the newspaper "China Daily" has been removed from here because Firefox gives alert that their site transfers a virus, ironically.
20.02.20 Paper accepted Louer EMM, Günzel D, Rosenthal R, Yi G, Stunnenberg H, den Hollander AI, Deen PMT (2020) Differential day-night expression of tight junction components in murine retinal pigment epithelium. Exp. Eye Res. 193: 107985 (9 pages) (°IF 3.0) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
17.02.20 Paper accepted Butkevych E, Lobo De Sá FD, Nattramilarasu PK, Bücker R (2020) Epithelial apoptosis and subepithelial immune responses in Campylobacter jejuni-induced barrier disruption Front. Microbiol. ###: ###-###, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00344 (°IF 4.2) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
19.01.20 Artikel im Spiegel, Der Professor und das "gute" Wasser, mit einem Beitrag von Michael Fromm
14.01.20 New appointments:
Int. J. Mol. Sci. (°IF 4.6), MDPI, open access, lauched 2000, PubMed articles 23476, rejection rate 59%
[PubMed] [WebPage]
- Editorial board: Michael Fromm
- Editorial board: Susanne Krug
Biology (Basel) (°IF 3.8), MDPI, open access, lauched 2012, PubMed articles 462, rejection rate 67% [PubMed] [WebPage]
- Editorial board: Dorothee Günzel
- Associate Editor-in-Chief, Section Physiology: Michael Fromm
31.12.19 Paper accepted Nattramilarasu PK, Bücker R, Lobo de Sá FD, Fromm A, Nagel O, Lee IM, Butkevych E, Mousavi S, Genger C, Kløve S, Heimesaat MM, Bereswill S, Schweiger MR, Nielsen HL, Troeger H, Schulzke JD (2020) Campylobacter concisus impairs sodium absorption in colonic epithelium via ENaC dysfunction and claudin-8 disruption. Int. J. Mol. Sci., Special Issue "Ion and molecule transport in membrane systems 2.0" (°IF 4.6)
11.11.19 Paper accepted Ayala-Torres C, Krug SM, Schulzke JD, Rosenthal R*, Fromm M* (*shared last authorship) (2019) Tricellulin effect on paracellular water transport. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20(22): 5700 (15 pages) (IF 4.6) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
08.11.19 Paper published Hering NA, Fromm A, Bücker R, Gorkiewicz G, Zechner EL, Högenauer C, Fromm M, Schulzke JD, Troeger H (2019) Tilivalline- and tilimycin-independent effects of Klebsiella oxytoca on tight junction-mediated intestinal barrier impairment. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20(22): 5595 (16 pages) (IF 4.6) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
01.11.19 Paper accepted Piontek A, Eichner M, Zwanziger D, Beier LS, Protze J, Walter W, Theurer S, Schmid KW, Führer-Sakel D, Piontek J*, Krause G* (*shared last authorship) (2019) Targeting claudin-overexpressing thyroid and lung cancer by modified Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin. Mol. Oncol. (IF 6.6)
26.09.19 Paper accepted Lobo de Sá FD, Butkevych E, Nattramilarasu PK, Fromm A, Mousavi S, Moos V, Golz JC, Stingl K, Kittler S, Seinige D, Kehrenberg C, Heimesaat MM, Bereswill S, Schulzke JD*, Bücker R (*corresponding) (2019) Curcumin mitigates immune-induced epithelial barrier dysfunction by Campylobacter jejuni. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20(19): 4830 (19 pages) (IF 4.6)
22.09.19 Paper accepted
Beier LS, Rossa J, Woodhouse S, Bergmann S, Kramer HB,
Protze J, Eichner M, Piontek A, Vidal-y-Sy S, Brandner JM, Krause G, Zitzmann N, Piontek J (2019) Use of modified
Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin fragments for claudin targeting in liver and skin
13.06.17 Paper accepted Bücker R, Krug SM, Moos V, Bojarski C, Schweiger MR, Kerick M, Fromm A, Janßen S, Fromm M, Hering NA, Siegmund B, Schneider T, Barmeyer C, Schulzke JD (2017) Diarrhoea of the Campylobacter jejuni colitis is due to malabsorption and epithelial leakage in the human host. Mucosal Immunol. (°IF 7.5)
24.05.17 Homepage on-line GRK 2318
22.05.17 Paper accepted & online Baumholtz AI, Simard A, Nikolopoulou E, Oosenbrug M, Collins MM, Piontek A, Krause G, Piontek J, Greene NDE, Ryan AK (2017) Claudins are essential for cell shape changes and convergent extension movements during neural tube closure. Dev. Biol. (°IF 2.9) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
17.05.17 Paper accepted Krug SM, Hayaishi T, Iguchi D, Watari A, Takahashi A, Fromm M, Nagahama M, Takeda H, Okada Y, Sawasaki T, Doi T, Yagi K, Kondoh M (2017) Angubindin-1, a novel paracellular absorption enhancer acting at the tricellular tight junction. J. Contr. Release (°IF 7.8)
15.05.17 Paper accepted Fromm M, Piontek J, Rosenthal R, Günzel D, Krug SM (2017) Tight junctions of the proximal tubule and their channel proteins. Pflügers Arch. (°IF 3.2) (Invited Review)
12.05.17 Paper accepted Schütz A, Radusheva V, Krug SM*, Heinemann U* (*shared last authorship) (2017) Crystal structure of the tricellulin C-terminal coiled-coil domain reveals a unique mode of dimerization. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. (°IF 4.7)
12.05.17 DFG-Graduiertenkolleg
GRK 2318 "TJ-Train" bewilligt Sprecher
Jörg Schulzke, "Tight junctions and their proteins: molecular features and actions in health and disease (TJ-Train)".
In Stichworten: Höchste wissenschaftliche Bewertung, ohne Diskussionen im DFG-Bwilligungsausschuss, uneingeschränkte Bewilligung
aller zwölf beantragten Projekte, keine Kürzungen. Darin KlinPhysio:
- Projekt A1, Günzel, "Impedance spectroscopy of epithelial barrier properties"
- Projekt A2,
Piontek, Krause, "Structure-based modification of Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin to target
- Projekt A3, Fromm, Schulzke, "Claudin- and TAMP-mediated water transport"
- Projekt C1,
Schulzke, Troeger, "Toxin effects on paracellular intestinal barrier function"
- Projekt C2, Krug,
Fromm, "Role of the tricellular tight junction in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD)"
11.05.17 Paper accepted Bücker R, Krug SM, Fromm A, Nielsen HL, Fromm M, Nielsen H, Schulzke JD (2017) Campylobacter fetus impairs barrier function in HT-29/B6 cells by focal tight junction alterations and leaks.