Priv.-Doz.  Dr. rer. nat.
Susanne M. Krug
Research Associate

Oricid ID
+49 30 450-514521
+49 30 450-514962
Research Gate

Research topics


Grants  German Research Foundation (DFG)

2025 - 2028

Rittner, Krug,

Project 7 "Comparison of human and rodent neuronal barriers in pain resolution and their manipulation", in: DFG Klinische Forschungsgruppe (KFO 5001/2), coordinators C. Sommer and H. Rittner (Würzburg) "Peripheral mechanisms of pain and their resolution"

2022 - 2026

Krug, Schulzke

Project B06 "Interplay of the impaired tight junction and the subjacent immune cells in IBD", in: DFG Transregio Collaborative Research Center (TRR 241/2), coordinators C. Becker (Erlangen) and B. Siegmund (Berlin) "Immune-epithelial communication in inflammatory bowel diseases"

2022 - 2026


Project C2 "Role of the tricellular tight junction in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD)", in:
DFG Research Training Group (GRK 2318/2) "Tight junctions and their proteins: molecular features and actions in health and disease (TJ-Train)"

2021 - 2024

Rittner, Krug

Project 7 "Neuropathic pain resolution by nerve barrier sealing via endogenous netrin-1", in: DFG Klinische Forschungsgruppe (KFO 5001/1), coordinators C. Sommer and H. Rittner (Würzburg) "Peripheral mechanisms of pain and their resolution"


et al.

DFG major instrumentation (Großgerät, 700 T€) STED super-resolution confocal microscope, consortium project: Krug SM

2018 - 2022

Krug, Schulzke

Project B06 "Interplay of the impaired tight junction and the subjacent immune cells in IBD", in: DFG Transregio Collaborative Research Center (TRR 241/1), coordinators C. Becker (Erlangen) and B. Siegmund (Berlin) "Immune-epithelial communication in inflammatory bowel diseases"

2018 - 2021

Krug, Rittner

DFG Research Grant (KR 3807/7-1) "Neuropathic pain resolution by nerve barrier sealing and netrin-1", together with Heike Rittner, Würzburg (RI 817/12-1)

2017 - 2022

Krug, Fromm

Project C2 "Role of the tricellular tight junction in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD)", in:
DFG Research Training Group (GRK 2318/1) "Tight junctions and their proteins: molecular features and actions in health and disease (TJ-Train)"

2017 Bachmann (Anatomy)

DFG major instrumentation (INST 335/596-1 FUGG) Field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), consortium project: Fromm M, Krug SM, Piontek J "Paracellular versus transcytotic macromolecule passage / Organization of claudins in nanodomains"

2010 - 2012 Fromm, Schulzke, Krug

Project Z "Freeze fracture electron microscopy; general duties", in:
DFG Research Unit 721 (FOR 721/2) "Molecular structure and function of the tight junction"

2011 - 2012 Krug

DFG Grant (KR 3807/1-1), program Initiation and enhancement of bilateral cooperation. Joint project and research stay of S. Krug with Prof. Jerrold R. Turner, Chicago IL, USA


10.2000 - 03.2001

Study of chemistry, Freie Universität Berlin

04.2001 - 09.2005

Study of biochemistry, Freie Universität Berlin

10.2005 - 03.2006

Diploma thesis (Dipl. Biochem.) "Transfection of MDCK cells with claudin-12 cDNA and analysis of the differentiation-dependent expression of tight junction proteins", Freie Universität Berlin

07.2006 - 12.2009

Postgraduate, Institute of Clinical Physiology, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Charité Berlin;
11.2006 - 12.2009: German Research Foundation, Research Unit (DFG Forschergruppe) FOR 721/1, TP1

30.11.2009 Dr. rer. nat. (PhD), "Tricellulin and its function in the tricellular tight junction of epithelial cells" Biochemistry, Freie Universität Berlin

since 01.2010

Research Associate, Institute of Clinical Physiology, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Charité Berlin

18.01.2016 Habilitation for "Privatdozent" (eqivalent to "Senior Lecturer"), Experimental biomedicine
27.01.2025 Offer of a professorship (W2 Stiftungsprofessur auf Zeit) for “Cell biology and pathophysiology of intestinal transport and barrier function” at Charité Berlin


 since 2013 Coordinating Officer for Research of Clinical Physiology / Nutritional Medicine
 since 2017 Deputy member of the Charité Doctoral Committee
 2018 - 2023 Associate Editor: BMC Gastroenterology
 since 2020 Editorial Board: International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS)

2023 - 2026

Member of the Steering Committee, DFG Research Training Group GRK 2318
since 2023 Voting member of the Charité Doctoral Committee