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Publications: Susanne M. Krug
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Martínez-Perafán F, Fromm A, van der Veen RE, Waldow A, Lehmann M, Krug SM, Günzel D, Rosenthal R, Fromm M, Piontek J (2025) Effect of claudin-1 or -3 expression on cation and water channel properties of claudin-2.
Bao LL, Yu YQ, González-Acera M, Patankar JV, Giessl A, Sturm G, Kühl AA, Atreya R, Erkert L, Gámez-Belmonte R, Krug SM, Schmid B, Tripal P, Chiriac M, Hildner K, Siegmund B, Wirtz S, Stürzl M, Abdou MM, Trajanoski Z, The TRR241 IBDome Consortium, Neurath MF, Zorzano A, Becker C (2025) Epithelial OPA1 links mitochondrial fusion to inflammatory bowel disease. Science Transl. Med.
17: eadn8699 (15 pages). doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.adn8699 (°IF 15.8)Hartmannsberger B, Ben-Kraiem A, Kramer S, Guidolin C, Kazerani I, Doppler K, Thomas D, Gurke R, Sisignano M, Kalelkar PP, García AJ, Monje PV, Sammeth M, Nusrat A, Brack A, Krug SM, Sommer C, Rittner HL (2025) TAM receptors mediate the Fpr2-driven pain resolution and fibrinolysis after nerve injury. Acta Neuropathol. 149(1): 1 (21 pages). doi: 10.1007/s00401-024-02840-9 (°IF 9.3)
Marinovic I, Bartosova M, Levai E, Herzog R, Saleem A, Du Z, Zhang C, Sacnun JM, Pitaraki E, Sinis S,
Damgov I, Krunic D, Lajqi T, Al-Saeedi M, Szabo JA, Hausmann M, Domonkos P, Kratochwill K, Krug SM, Zarogiannis SG, Schmitt CP (2025) Molecular and functional characterization of the
peritoneal mesothelium, a barrier for solute transport. Function
6(1): zqae051 (12 pages), doi:
10.1093/function/zqae051 (°IF 5.1)
Liebing E*, Krug SM* (*shared first authorship), Neurath MF, Siegmund B, Becker C (2025) Wall of resilience: How the intestinal epithelium prevents inflammatory onslaught in the gut. Cell. Mol. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 19)2): 101423 (17 pages) doi:10.1016/j.jcmgh.2024.101423 (°IF 7.1)
Consortial collaborations
Forster PM, Jakob MO, Yusuf D, Bubeck M, Limberger H, Luo Y, Thieme P, Polici A, Sterczyk N, Boulekou S, Bartel L, Cosovanu C, Witkowski M, González-Acera M, Kühl AA, Weidinger C; TRR241 IBDome Consortium* (*with Krug SM); Backofen R, Hegazy AN, Patankar JV, Klose CSN (2025) A transcriptional atlas of gut-innervating neurons reveals activation of interferon signaling and ferroptosis during intestinal inflammation.
Horn V, Cancino CA, Steinheuer LM, Obermayer B, Fritz K, Nguyen AL, Juhran KS, Plattner C, Bösel D, Oldenburg L, Burns M, Schulz AR, Saliutina M, Mantzivi E, Lissner D, Conrad T, Mashreghi MF, Zundler S, Sonnenberg E, Schumann M, Haag LM, Beule D, Flatz L, TRR241 IBDome Consortium* (*with Krug SM), Trajanoski Z, D'Haens G, Weidinger C, Mei HE, Siegmund B, Thurley K, Hegazy AN (2025) Multimodal Profiling of Peripheral Blood Identifies Proliferating Circulating Effector CD4+ T Cells as Predictors for Response to Integrin α4β7-Blocking Therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Gastroenterology 168(2): 327-343. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2024.09.021 (°IF 25.7)
Pfeffer T*, Krug SM* (*shared first authorship), Kracke T, Schürfeld R, Colbatzky F, Kirschner P, Medert R, Freichel M, Schumacher D, Bartosova M, Zarogiannis SG, Muckenthaler MU, Altamura S, Pezer S, Volk N, Schwab C, Duensing S, Fleming T, Heidenreich E, Zschocke J, Hell R, Poschet G, Schmitt CP°, Peters V° (°shared last authorship) (2024) Knock-out of dipeptidase CN2 in human proximal tubular cells disrupts dipeptide and amino acid homeostasis and para- and transcellular solute transport. Acta Physiol. 240(4): e14126 (20 pages), doi: 10.1111/apha.14126 (°IF 5.6)
Voges L, Weiß F, Branco AT, Fromm M,
Krug SM (2024) Expression and localization profiles of tight junction proteins in immune cells depend on their activation status.
Int. J. Mol. Sci.
25(9): 4861 (18 pages), doi: 10.3390/ijms25094861
(°IF 4.9) Editorial
Krug SM, Fromm M (2024) Special Issue on "The tight junction and its proteins: From structure to pathologies". Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25(23): 13154 (3 pages), doi: 10.3390/ijms252313154 (°IF 4.9)
Krug SM, ed. (2024) Solving the puzzle: Molecular research in inflammatory bowel diseases, 2nd edition. Special Issue of the Int. J. Mol. Sci. (°IF 4.9) Collection of papers
Fromm M, Krug SM, eds. (2024) The tight junction and its proteins: From structure to pathologies. Special Issue of the Int. J. Mol. Sci. (15 articles) (°IF 4.9) Collection of papers
Consortial collaborations
Erkert L, Gamez-Belmonte R, Kabisch M, Schödel L, Patankar JV, Gonzalez-Acera M, Mahapatro M, Bao LL, Plattner C, Kühl AA, Shen J, Serneels L, De Strooper B; TRR241 IBDome Consortium* (*with Krug SM); Neurath MF, Wirtz S, Becker C (2024) Alzheimer's disease-related presenilins are key to intestinal epithelial cell function and gut immune homoeostasis. Gut 73(10): 1618-1631. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2023-331622 (°IF 23.0)
Horn V, Cancino CA, Steinheuer LM, Obermayer B, Fritz K, Nguyen AL, Juhran KS, Plattner C, Bösel D, Oldenburg L, Burns M, Schulz AR, Saliutina M, Mantzivi E, Lissner D, Conrad T, Mashreghi MF, Zundler S, Sonnenberg E, Schumann M, Haag LM, Beule D, Flatz L, TRR241 IBDome Consortium* (*with Krug SM), Trjanoski Z, D'Haens G, Weidinger C, Mei HE, Siegmund B, Thurley K, Hegazy AN (2024) Multimodal profiling of peripheral blood identifies proliferating circulating effector CD4+ T cells as predictors for response to integrin α4β7-blocking therapy in inflammatory bowel disease.
Lehmann M, Weixler B, Elezkurtaj S, Loddenkemper C, TRR241 IBDome Consortium* (*with Krug SM), Kühl AA, Siegmund B (2024) Spatial Single Cell Profiling Using Imaging Mass Cytometry: Inflammatory Versus Penetrating Crohn's Disease.
Schulz-Kuhnt A, Rühle K, Javidmehr A, Döbrönti M, Biwank J, Knittel S, Neidlinger P, Leupold J, Liu LJ, Dedden M, Taudte RV, Gessner A, Fromm MF, Mielenz D, Kreiss L, Waldner MJ, Schürmann S, Friedrich O, Dietel B, López-Posadas R, Plattner C, TRR241 IBDome Consortium* (*with Krug SM), Zundler S, Becker C, Atreya R, Neurath MF, Atreya I (2024) ATP citrate lyase (ACLY)-dependent immunometabolism in mucosal T cells drives experimental colitis in vivo. Gut 73(4): 601-612. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2023-330543 (°IF 23.0)
Krug SM, Grünhagen C, Allers K, Bojarski C, Seybold J, Schneider T, Schulzke JD, Epple HJ (2023) Macromolecule translocation across the intestinal mucosa of HIV-infected patients by transcytosis and through apoptotic leaks. Cells 12(14): 1887 (13 pages). doi: 10.3390/cells12141887 (IF 5.1)
Chen JT*, Hu X* (*shared first authorship), Otto IUC, Schürger C, Rogalla von Bieberstein B, Doppler K, Krug SM, Hankir MK, Blasig R, Sommer C, Brack A, Blasig IE, Rittner HL (2023) Myelin barrier breakdown, mechanical hypersensitivity, and painfulness in polyneuropathy with claudin-12 deficiency.
Schneemann M, Heils L, Moos V, Weiß F, Krug SM, Weiner J, Beule D, Gerhard R, Schulzke JD, Bücker R (2023) A colonic organoid model challenged with the large toxins of Clostridioides difficile TcdA and TcdB exhibit deregulated tight junction proteins. Toxins 15: 643 (19 pages). doi: 10.3390/toxins15110643 (IF 3.9)
Sell T, Klotz C, Fischer MM, Astaburuaga-García R, Krug S, Drost J, Clevers H, Sers C, Morkel M, Blüthgen N (2023) Oncogenic signalling is coupled to colorectal cancer cell differentiation state. J. Cell Biol. 222(6): e202204001 (21 pages), doi: 10.1083/jcb.202204001 (IF 7.4)
Wittner L, Wagener L, Wiese JJ, Stolzer I, Krug SM, Naschberger E, Jackstadt R, Beyaert R, Atreya R, Kühl AA, Sturm G, Gonzalez-Acera M, Patankar JV, Becker C,
Siegmund B, Trajanoski Z, Winner B, Neurath MF, Schumann M, Günther C (2023) Proteolytic activity of the paracaspase MALT1 Is involved in epithelial restitution and mucosal healing.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24(8): 7402 (21 pages),
doi: 10.3390/ijms24087402
(IF 4.9) Review Krug SM (2023) Von 3D zu 2D: Intestinale Organoid-basierte Monolayer als
Modell der Darmbarriere.
BIOspektrum 29(7): 745-748. doi:
10.1007/s12268-023-2040-6 Editorial Krug SM (2023) Solving the puzzle: Molecular research in inflammatory bowel diseases.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24(17): 13389 (4 pages, Editorial article).
doi: org/10.3390/ijms241713389
(IF 4.9)
Krug SM, ed. (2023) Solving the puzzle: Molecular research in inflammatory bowel diseases. Special Issue of the Int. J. Mol. Sci. (12 articles) (IF 4.9), Collection of papers, doi: 10.3390/books978-3-0365-9863-5
Weiß F, Czichos C, Knobe L, Voges L, Bojarski C, Michel G, Fromm M, Krug SM (2022) MarvelD3 is upregulated in ulcerative colitis and has attenuating effects during colitis indirectly stabilizing the intestinal barrier. Cells 11: 1551 (16 pages) doi: 10.3390/cells11091541 (IF 6.0)
Weiß F, Holthaus D, Kraft M, Klotz C, Schneemann M, Schulzke JD, Krug SM (2022) Human duodenal organoid-derived monolayers serve as a suitable barrier model for duodenal tissue. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 1515(1): 155-167, doi: 10.111/nyas.14804 (IF 5.2)
Breiderhoff T*, Himmerkus N* (*shared first authorship), Meoli L, Fromm A, Sewerin S, Kriuchkova N, Nagel O, Ladilov Y, Krug SM, Quintanova C, Stumpp M, Garbe-Schönberg D, Westernströer U, Merkel C, Brinkhus MA, Altmüller J, Schweiger MR, Müller D, Mutig K, Morawski M, Halbritter J, Milatz S, Bleich M*, Günzel D* (*shared last authorship) (2022) Claudin-10a deficiency shifts proximal tubular Cl- permeability to cation selectivity via claudin-2 redistribution. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 33(4): 699-717, doi: 10.1681/ASN.2021030286 (IF 13.6)
Haas AJ, Zihni C, Krug SM, Maraspini R, Otani T, Furuse M, Honigmann A, Balda MS*, Matter K* (*shared last authorship) (2022) Reciprocal regulation of cell mechanics and ZO-1 guides tight junction assembly and epithelial morphogenesis. Cells 11(23): 3775 (30 pages), doi: 10.3390/cells11233775 (IF 6.0)
Hempel C*, Rosenthal R* (*shared first authorship), Fromm A, Krug SM, Fromm M, Günzel D, Piontek J (2022) Tight junction channels claudin-10b and claudin-15: Functional mapping of pore-lining residues. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 1515(1): 129-142, doi: 10.1111/nyas.14794 (IF 5.2)
Holthaus D*, Kraft MR* (*shared first authorship), Krug SM, Wolf S, Müller A, Delgado Betancourt E, Schorr M, Holland G, Knauf F, Schulzke JD, Aebischer T°, Klotz C° (°shared last authorship) (2022) Dissection of barrier dysfunction in organoid-derived human intestinal epithelia induced by Giardia duodenalis. Gastroenterology 162(3): 844-858, doi.org/10.1053/j.gastro.2021.11.022 (IF 29.4)
Reinhold AK, Krug SM, Salvador E, Sauer RS, Karl-Schöller F, Malcangio M, Sommer C, Rittner HL (2022) MicroRNA-21-5p functions via RECK/MMP9 as a proalgesic regulator of the blood nerve barrier in nerve injury. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 1515(1): 184-195, doi: 10.1111/nyas.14816, TableS1, TableS2 (IF 5.2)
Warschkau D, Delgado-Betancourt E, Holthaus D, Müller A, Kliem G, Krug SM, Schulzke JD, Aebischer T, Klotz C*, Seeber F* (*shared last authorship) (2022). From 3D to 2D: Harmonization of protocols for two-dimensional cultures on cell culture inserts of intestinal organoids from various species. Bio-protocol 12(2): e4295 (25 pages). doi: 10.21769/BioProtoc.4295
Hu JCE, Weiß F, Bojarski C, Branchi F, Schulzke JD, Fromm M, Krug SM (2021) Expression of tricellular tight junction proteins and the paracellular macromolecule barrier are recovered in remission of ulcerative colitis. BMC Gastroent. 21(1): 141, doi: 10.1186/s12876-021-01723-7 (IF 2.9)
Ayala-Torres C, Krug SM, Rosenthal R*, Fromm M* (*shared last authorship) (2021) Angulin-1 (LSR) affects paracellular water transport, however only in tight epithelial cells. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22(15): 7827 (25 pages). doi: 10.3390/ijms22157827 (IF 6.2)
Chen JTC, Schmidt L, Schürger C, Hankier MK, Krug SM, Rittner HL (2021) Netrin-1 as a multitarget barrier stabilizer in the peripheral nerve after injury. Int. J. Mol. Sci. (SI: Novel mechanisms and drug molecules modulating chronic pain") (°IF 5.9) 22(18): 10090 (16 pages+Suppl). doi.org/10.3390/ijms221810090, Supplement (IF 6.2)
Delbue D, Lebenheim L, Cardoso-Silva D, Dony V, Krug SM, Richter JF, Manna S, Munoz M, Wolk K, Heldt C, Heimesaat M, Sabat R, Siegmund B, Schumann M (2021) Reprogramming intestinal epithelial cell polarity by interleukin-22. Front. Med. (Lausanne)doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.656047 (IF 5.1)
(IF 5.1)
Angiocrine regulation of epithelial barrier integrity in inflammatory bowel diseaseEditorial
Weidinger C, Krug SM, Voskens C, Moschen AR, Atreya I (2021) Loss of epithelial barrier integrity in inflammatory diseases: cellular mediators and therapeutic targets. 8: 813153. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.813153 (IF 5.1)
Hu JCH, Bojarski C, Branchi F, Fromm M, Krug SM (2020) Leptin downregulates angulin-1 in active Crohn's disease via STAT3. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21(21): 7824 (17 pages) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF] [Supplement] (IF 5.9)
Kjærgaard S, Damm MMB, Chang J, Riis LB, Rasmussen HB, Hytting-Andreasen R, Krug SM, Schulzke JD, Bindslev N, Berner-Hansen M (2020) Altered structural expression and enzymatic activity parameters in quiescent ulcerative colitis: Are these potential normalization criteria? Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21(5): e1887 (18 pages) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF] (IF 5.9)
Rosenthal R, Günzel D, Piontek J, Krug SM, Ayala-Torres C, Hempel C, Theune D, Fromm M (2020) Claudin-15 forms a water channel through the tight junction with distinct function compared to claudin-2. Acta Physiol. 228(1): e13334 (15 pages) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF] (IF 6.3)
(Editorial Commentary on this article: Alexander RT (2020) Claudin-15 is not a drag! Acta Physiol. 228(1): e13397 [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF])
Piontek J, Krug SM, Protze J, Krause G, Fromm M (2020) Molecular architecture and assembly of the tight junction backbone. BBA - Biomembranes 1862(7): 183279 (15 pages) [Part of Special Volume "The vertebrate epithelial apical junctional complex", Hervé JC ed.] [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF] [Supplement] (IF 3.7)
Krug SM, Fromm M (2020) Special issue on "The tight junction and its proteins – more than just a barrier". Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21(13): 4612 (10 pages, Editorial article) doi: 10.3390/ijms21134612 (IF 5.9)
Fromm M, Krug SM, eds. (2020) The tight junction and Its proteins: More than just a barrier, Volume 1. Special Issue of the Int. J. Mol. Sci. (414 pages): doi: 10.3390/books978-3-03943-224-0, PDF, collection of papers (IF 5.9)
Fromm M, Krug SM, eds. (2020) The tight junction and Its proteins: More than just a barrier, Volume 2. Special Issue of the Int. J. Mol. Sci. (432 pages): doi:10.3390/books978-3-03943-301-8, PDF, collection of papers (IF 5.9)
Ayala-Torres C, Krug SM, Schulzke JD, Rosenthal R*, Fromm M* (*shared last authorship) (2019) Tricellulin effect on paracellular water transport. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20(22): 5700 (15 pages) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF] (IF 4.6)
Reinhold AK, Yang S, Chen JT, Hu L, Sauer RS, Krug SM, Mambretti E, Fromm M, Brack A, Rittner HL (2019) Tissue plasminogen activator and neuropathy open the blood-nerve barrier with upregulation of miR-155-5p in male rats. Biochim. Biophys. Acta - Mol. Basis Dis. 1865(6): 1160-1169 [PubMed] [WebPage] (IF 4.5)
Uwada J, Yazawa T, Mikami D, Krug SM, Fromm M, Sada K, Muramatsu I, Taniguchi T (2019) Store-operated calcium entry (SOCE) contributes to phosphorylation of p38 MAPK and suppression of TNF-α signalling in the intestinal epithelial cells. Cell. Signalling 63: 109358 (10 pages) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF] [Supplement] (IF 4.0)
Hashimoto Y, Tachibana K, Krug SM, Kunisawa J, Fromm M, Kondoh M (2019) Potential for tight junction protein-directed drug development using claudin binders and angubindin-1. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20 (16): 4016 (17 pages) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF] (IF 4.6)
Krug SM, Bojarski C, Fromm A, Lee IM, Dames P, Richter JF, Turner JR, Fromm M*, Schulzke JD* (*shared last authorship) (2018) Tricellulin is regulated via interleukin-13-receptor α2, affects macromolecule uptake, and is decreased in ulcerative colitis. Mucosal Immunol. 11(2): 345-356 (IF 7.4) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF] [Supplement] [Supplementary Movie]
Blecharz-Lang KG, Prinz V, Burek M, Frey D, Schenkel T, Krug SM, Fromm M, Vajkoczy P (2018) Gelatinolytic activity of autocrine matrix metalloproteinase-9 leads to endothelial de-arrangement in Moyamoya disease. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab.
Bücker R, Krug SM, Moos V, Bojarski C, Schweiger MR, Kerick M, Fromm A, Janßen S, Fromm M, Hering NA, Siegmund B, Schneider T, Barmeyer C, Schulzke JD (2018) Campylobacter jejuni impairs sodium transport and epithelial barrier function via cytokine release in human colon. Mucosal Immunol. 11(2): 474-485 (IF 7.4) [PubMed] [DOI] [PDF] [Supplement1] [Supplement2]
Krug SM (2017) Contribution of the tricellular tight junction to paracellular permeability in leaky and tight epithelia. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1397: 219-230 (IF 4.3) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Krug SM, Hayaishi T, Iguchi D, Watari A, Takahashi A, Fromm M, Nagahama M, Takeda H, Okada Y, Sawasaki T, Doi T, Yagi K, Kondoh M (2017) Angubindin-1, a novel paracellular absorption enhancer acting at the tricellular tight junction. J. Contr. Release 260: 1-11 (IF 7.9) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF] [Supplement]
Schütz A, Radusheva V, Krug SM*, Heinemann U* (*shared last authorship) (2017) Crystal structure of the tricellulin C-terminal coiled-coil domain reveals a unique mode of dimerization. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1405: 147-159 (IF 4.3) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF] [Supplement]
Blecharz KG*, Frey D* (*shared first authorship), Schenkel T, Prinz V, Bedini G, Krug SM, Czabanka M, Wagner J, Fromm M, Bersano A, Vajkoczy P (2017) Autocrine release of angiopoietin-2 mediates cerebrovascular disintegration in Moyamoya disease. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 37(4): 1527-1539 (IF 6.0) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF] [Supplement]
Bücker R, Krug SM, Fromm A, Nielsen HL, Fromm M, Nielsen H, Schulzke JD (2017) Campylobacter fetus impairs barrier function in HT-29/B6 cells through focal tight junction alterations and leaks.