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Publications: Rita Rosenthal
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Martínez-Perafán F, Fromm A, van der Veen RE, Waldow A, Lehmann M, Krug SM, Günzel D, Rosenthal R, Fromm M, Piontek J (2025) Effect of claudin-1 or -3 expression on cation and water channel properties of claudin-2.
Pouyiourou I, Fromm A, Piontek J, Rosenthal R, Furuse M*, Günzel D* (*shared last authorship) (2025) Ion permeability profiles of renal paracellular channel-forming claudins. Acta Physiol. 241: e14264 (18 pages). doi: 10.1111/apha.14264 (°IF 5.6)
Alija C, Knobe L, Pouyiourou I, Furuse M, Rosenthal R, Günzel D (2024) Integrating continuous transepithelial flux measurements into an Ussing chamber set-up. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25(4): 2252 (13 pages), doi: 10.3390/ijms25042252 (°IF 4.9)
Hader H, Hering NA, Schulzke JD, Bücker R, Rosenthal R (2023) Myrrh protects against IL-13-induced epithelial barrier breakdown in HT-29/B6 cells. Front. Pharmacol. 14: 1301800 (11 pages). doi: 10.3389/fphar.2023.1301800 (IF 4.4)
Hempel C*, Rosenthal R* (*shared first authorship), Fromm A, Krug SM, Fromm M, Günzel D, Piontek J (2022) Tight junction channels claudin-10b and claudin-15: Functional mapping of pore-lining residues. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 1515(1): 129-142, doi: 10.1111/nyas.14794 (IF 5.2)
Zejc T, Piontek J, Schulzke JD, Fromm M, Ervens J*, Rosenthal R* (*shared last authorship) (2022) Clinical significance of claudin expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Int. J. Mol. Sci.
23(19): 11234 (13 pages), doi: 10.3390/ijms231911234 (IF 5.6)2021
Ayala-Torres C, Krug SM, Rosenthal R*, Fromm M* (*shared last authorship) (2021) Angulin-1 (LSR) affects paracellular water transport, however only in tight epithelial cells. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22: 7827 (25 pages). doi: 10.3390/ijms22157827 (IF 6.2)
Hering NA, Luettig J, Jebautzke B, Schulzke JD, Rosenthal R (2021) The punicalagin metabolites ellagic acid and urolithin A exert different strengthening and anti-inflammatory effects on tight junction-mediated intestinal barrier function in vitro. Front. Pharmacol. 12: 610164, doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.610164 (IF 6.0)
Rosenthal R, Günzel D, Piontek J, Krug SM, Ayala-Torres C, Hempel C, Theune D, Fromm M (2020) Claudin-15 forms a water channel through the tight junction with distinct function compared to claudin-2. Acta Physiol. 228(1): e13334 (15 pages) (IF 6.3) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
- Editorial Commentary on this article: Alexander RT (2020) Claudin-15 is not a drag! Acta Physiol. 228(1): e13397 [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Louer EMM, Günzel D, Rosenthal R, Yi G, Stunnenberg H, den Hollander AI, Deen PMT (2020) Differential day-night expression of tight junction components in murine retinal pigment epithelium. Exp. Eye Res. 193: 107985 (9 pages) (IF 3.5) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Ayala-Torres C, Krug SM, Schulzke JD, Rosenthal R*, Fromm M* (*shared last authorship) (2019) Tricellulin effect on paracellular water transport. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20(22): 5700 (15 pages) (IF 4.6) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Friedrich M, Gerbeth L, Gerling M, Rosenthal R, Steiger K, Weidinger C, Keye J, Hao W, Schmidt F, Weichert W, Siegmund B*, Glauben R* (*shared last authorship) (2019) HDAC inhibitors promote intestinal epithelial regeneration via autocrine TGFβ1 signalling in inflammation. Mucosal Immunol. 12(3): 656-667 (IF 6.7) [PubMed] [DOI] [PDF] [Supplement]
Hering NA, Luettig J, Krug SM, Wiegand S, Gross G, van Tol EA, Schulzke JD*, Rosenthal R* (*shared last authorship) (2017) Lactoferrin protects against intestinal inflammation or bacteria-induced barrier dysfunction in vitro. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1405: 177-188 (IF 4.3)
[PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]Rosenthal R, Günzel D, Krug SM, Schulzke JD, Fromm M, Yu ASL (2017) Claudin-2-mediated cation and water transport share a common pore.
Acta Physiol.
219(2): 521-536
(IF 5.9) [PubMed] [WebPage]
Rosenthal R, Luettig J, Hering NA, Krug SM, Albrecht U, Fromm M, Schulzke JD (2017) Myrrh exerts barrier-stabilizing and -protective effects in HT-29/B6 and Caco-2 intestinal epithelial cells. Int. J. Colorectal Dis. 32(5): 623-634 (IF 2.5) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Wiegand S, Zakrzewski SS, Eichner M, Schulz E, Günzel D, Pieper R, Rosenthal R, Barmeyer C, Bleich A, Dobrindt U, Schulzke JD*, Bücker R* (*shared last authorship) (2017) Zinc treatment is
efficient against Escherichia coli α haemolysin-induced intestinal leakage in mice.
Sci. Rep.
7: 45649 (pages 1-13)
(IF 4.1)
[PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF] Review
Rosenthal R, Czichos C, Theune D, Günzel D, Schulzke JD, Fromm M (2017) Water channels and barriers formed by claudins.
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.
Fromm M, Piontek J, Rosenthal R, Günzel D, Krug SM (2017) Tight junctions of the proximal tubule and their channel proteins. Pflügers Arch. 469(7-8): 877-887 (IF 2.8) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Luettig J, Rosenthal R, Lee IM, Krug SM, Schulzke JD (2016) The ginger component 6-shogaol prevents TNFα-induced barrier loss via inhibition of PI3K/Akt and NF-kB sigaling. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 60(12): 2576-2586 (IF 4.3) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Luettig J, Rosenthal R, Barmeyer C, Schulzke JD (2015) Claudin-2 as mediator of leaky gut barrier during intestinal inflammation.
Tiss. Barriers
3(1-2): e977176,
(IF: new journal) [PubMed] [WebPage]
Invited Editorial
Rosenthal R, Fromm M (2014) Significant water absorption goes paracellular in kidney proximal tubules. Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 306(1): F51-F52 (IF 3.2) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Kirschner N*, Rosenthal R* (*shared first authorship), Furuse M, Moll I, Fromm M, Brandner JM (2013) Contribution of tight junction proteins to ion, macromolecule, and water barrier in keratinocytes. J. Invest. Dermatol. 133(5): 1161-1169 (IF 6.4) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF] [Supplement]
Rachow S*, Zorn-Kruppa M* (*shared first authorship), Ohnemus U, Kirschner N, Vidal-y-Sy S, von den Driesch P, Eberle J, Mildner M, Vettorazzi E, Rosenthal R, Moll I, Brandner JM (2013) Occludin is involved in adhesion, apoptosis, differentiation and Ca2+-homeostasis of human keratinocytes: implications for tumorigenesis. PLOS One 8(2): e55116 (IF 3.5) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Rosenthal R*, Günzel D* (*shared first authorship), Finger C, Krug SM, Richter JF, Schulzke JD, Fromm M, Amasheh S (2012) The effect of chitosan on transcellular and paracellular mechanisms in the intestinal epithelial barrier. Biomaterials 33(9): 2791-2800 (IF 7.6) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF] [Supplement]
Kirschner N, Rosenthal R, Günzel D, Moll I, Brandner JM (2012) Tight junctions and differentiation – a chicken or the egg question? Exp. Dermatol. 21(3): 171-175
Krug SM, Günzel D, Conrad MP, Rosenthal R, Fromm A, Amasheh S, Schulzke JD, Fromm M (2012) Claudin-17 forms tight junction channels with distinct anion selectivity. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 69(16): 2765-2778
Rosenthal R, Heydt MS, Amasheh M, Stein C, Fromm M, Amasheh S (2012) Analysis of absorption enhancers in epithelial cell models. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1258: 86-92
Bücker R, Krug SM, Rosenthal R, Günzel D, Fromm A, Zeitz M, Chakraborty T, Fromm M, Epple HJ, Schulzke JD (2011) Aerolysin from Aeromonas hydrophila perturbs tight junction integrity and cell lesion repair in intestinal epithelial HT-29/B6 cells. J. Infect. Dis. 204 (8): 1283-1292 (IF 6.4) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Hering NA, Richter JF, Krug SM, Günzel D, Fromm A, Bohn E, Rosenthal R, Bücker R, Fromm M, Troeger H, Schulzke JD (2011) Yersinia enterocolitica induces epithelial barrier dysfunction through regional tight junction changes in colonic HT-29/B6 cell monolayers. Lab. Invest. 91(2): 310-324 (IF 3.6) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF] [Supplement DOC]
Rosenthal R, Fromm M (2011) Endothelin antagonism as an active principle for glaucoma therapy. Br. J. Pharmacol. 162(4): 806-816
Rosenthal R, Milatz S, Krug SM, Oelrich B, Schulzke JD, Amasheh S, Günzel D, Fromm M (2010) Claudin-2, a component of the tight junction,
forms a paracellular water channel. J. Cell Sci. 123(11): 1913-1921 (IF
6.3) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Milatz S, Krug SM, Rosenthal R, Günzel D, Müller D, Schulzke JD, Amasheh S*, Fromm M* (*shared last authorship) (2010) Claudin-3 acts as a sealing
component of the tight junction for ions of either charge and uncharged solutes.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta Biomembr. 1798: 2048-2057 (IF 4.6) [PubMed]
[WebPage] [PDF]
Review, book chapter
Günzel D, Krug SM, Rosenthal R, Fromm M (2010) Biophysical methods to study tight junction permeability. Curr. Top. Membr. 65: 39-78 [Directory] [WebPage] [PDF]
Günzel D, Stuiver M, Kausalya PJ, Haisch L, Krug SM, Rosenthal R, Meij IC, Hunziker W, Fromm M, Müller D (2009) Claudin-10 exists in six
alternatively spliced isoforms which exhibit distinct localization and function. J. Cell Sci.
122: 1507-1517 (IF 6.1) [PubMed] [WebPage]
Fromm M, Krug SM, Zeissig S, Richter JF, Rosenthal R, Schulzke JD, Günzel D (2009) High resolution analysis of barrier function. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1165: 74-81 (IF 2.7) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Renieri G, Choritz L, Rosenthal R, Meissner S, Pfeiffer N, Thieme H (2008) Effects of endothelin-1 on calcium-independent contraction of bovine trabecular meshwork. Graefes Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol. 246(8): 1107-1115 (IF 1.8) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Wimmers S, Coeppicus L,
Rosenthal R, Strauss O (2008) Expression profile of voltage-dependent Ca2+
channel subunits in the human retinal pigment epithelium.
Rosenthal R, Choritz L, Zorn R, Münzer G, Fromm M, Pfeiffer N, Thieme H (2007) Endothelin receptor B in trabecular meshwork. Exp. Eye Res. 85: 482-491 (IF 2.7) [PubMed] [WebPage + links] [PDF]
Rosenthal R, Heimann H, Agostini H, Martin G, Hansen LL, Strauss O (2007) Ca2+ channels in retinal pigment epithelial cells regulate VEGF secretion rates in health and disease. Mol. Vision 13: 443-456 (IF 2.3) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Rosenthal R, Bakall B, Peachey N, Wimmers S, Wadelius C, Marmorstein A, Strauss O (2006) Expression of bestrophin-1, the product of the VMD2
gene, modulates voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels in retinal pigment epithelial cells. FASEB J. 20(1): 178-180 (IF
6.7) [PubMed]
Thieme H, Schimmat C, Münzer G, Boxberger M, Fromm M, Pfeiffer N, Rosenthal R (2006) Endothelin-antagonism: effects of FP receptor agonists prostaglandin F2a and fluprostenol on trabecular meshwork contractility. Invest. Ophth. Vis. Sci. 47(3): 938-945 (IF 3.8) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Wollmann G, Lenzner S, Berger W, Rosenthal R, Karl MO, Strauss O (2006) Voltage-dependent ion channels in the mouse RPE: Comparison with Norrie disease mice. Vision Res. 46(5): 688-698 (IF 2.2) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Rosenthal R, Malek G, Salomon N, Peill-Meininghaus M, Coeppicus L, Wohlleben H, Wimmers S, Bowes Rickman C, Strauss O (2005) The fibroblast growth factor receptors, FGFR-1 and FGFR-2, mediate two independent signalling pathways in human retinal pigment epithelial cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 337(1): 241-247 (IF 3.0) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Rosenthal R, Choritz L, Schlott S, Bechrakis NE, Jaroszewski J, Wiederholt M, Thieme H (2005) Effects of ML-7 and Y-27632 on carbachol- and endothelin-1-induced contraction of bovine trabecular meshwork. Exp. Eye Res. 80(6): 837-845 (IF 2.7) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Thieme H, Steinhausen K, Ottlecz A, Lambrou GN, Strauss O, Wiederholt M, Rosenthal R (2005) Effects of unoprostone and endothelin-1 on L-type channel currents in human trabecular meshwork cells. Ophthalm. Res. 37(6): 293-300 (IF 0.9) [PubMed] [PDF]
Choritz L, Rosenthal R, Fromm M, Foerster MH, Thieme H (2005) Pharmacological and functional characterization of endothelin receptors in bovine trabecular meshwork and ciliary muscle. Ophthalm. Res. 37(4): 179-187 (IF 0.9) [PubMed] [PDF]
Stumpff F, Boxberger M, Krauss A,
Rosenthal R, Meissner S, Choritz L, Wiederholt M, Thieme H (2005) Stimulation of cannabinoid (CB1) and prostanoid (EP2) receptors opens BKCa channels and relaxes ocular trabecular
Exp. Eye Res. 80(5): 697-708 (IF 2.7) [PubMed]
Strauss O, Rosenthal R (2005) Funktion des Bestrophins. Ophthalmologe 102(2): 122-126 [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
2000 - 2004
Rosenthal R, Wohlleben H, Malek G, Schlichting L, Thieme H, Bowes Rickman C, Strauss O (2004) Insulin-like growth factor-1 contributes to neovascularization in age-related macular degeneration. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 323: 1203-1208 (IF 2.9) [PubMed] [WebPage] [PDF]
Rosenthal R, Strauss O (2003) Investigations of RPE cells of choriodal neovascular membranes from patients with age-related macula degeneration. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 533: 107-113 [PubMed reference]
Rosenthal R, Strauss O (2002) Ca2+ channels in the RPE. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 514: 225-235 [PubMed reference]
Rosenthal R, Thieme H, Strauss O (2001) Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) in brain neurons and retinal pigment epithelial cells act via stimulation of neuroendocrine L-type channels (Ca(v)1.3). FASEB J. 15(6): 970-977 (IF 8.8) [PubMed] [Full text]
Fidzinski P, Knoll A, Rosenthal R, Schrey A, Vescovi A, Koert U, Wiederholt M, Strauß O (2003) Electrophysiological response of cultured trabecular meshwork cells to synthetic ion channels. Chem. Biol. 10(1): 35-43 [PubMed] [Full text].
Strauss O, Rosenthal R, Dey D, Beninde J, Wollmann G, Thieme H, Wiederholt M (2002) Effects of protein kinase C on delayed rectifier K(+) channel regulation by tyrosine kinase in rat retinal pigment epithelial cells. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 43(5): 1645-1654 (IF 4.1) [PubMed] [PDF]
Strauss O, Buss F, Rosenthal R, Fischer D, Mergler S, Stumpff F, Thieme H (2000) Activation of neuroendocrine L-type channels (a1D subunits) in retinal pigment epithelial cells and brain neurons by pp60c-src. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 270(3): 806-810 (IF 3.1) [PubMed]
1989 - 1990
Erdmann R (=Rosenthal R), Lüttgau HC (1989) The effect of the phenylalkylamine D888 (devapamil) on force and Ca2+ current in isolated frog skeletal muscle fibres. J. Physiol. (Lond.) 413: 521-541 [PubMed]
Neuhaus R, Rosenthal R, Lüttgau HC (1990) The effects of dihydropyridine derivatives on force and Ca2+ current in frog skeletal muscle fibres. J. Physiol. (Lond.) 1990 427: 187-209 (IF 4.2) [PubMed]
Rosenthal R (2010) Antagonisierung der Endothelin-Effekte am Trabekelmaschenwerk als neue Möglichkeit der Glaukomtherapie. Habilitation thesis [Priv.-Doz., Habilitation for Experimental Biomedicine, Inst. Clin. Physiol., Charité Berlin, 19.04.10]
Rosenthal R (2000) L-Typ Ca2+-Kanal, FGF-Rezeptor 2 und Pathomechanismen der Retinalen Dystrophie, Doctoral thesis [Dr. rer. medic., summa cum laude, supervision Wiederholt M]