Univ.-Prof. Dr. med.
Jörg-Dieter Schulzke
Head of Clinical Physiology / Nutritional Medicine |
FAX, general
Orcid ID |
+49 30 450-514531
+49 30 450-514925
+49 30 450-514962
0000-0001-9947-5521 |
Research topics
Recent grants
2022 - 2026 |
Krug, Schulzke |
Project B06 "Interplay of the impaired tight junction and the subjacent immune cells
in IBD", in: DFG Transregio Collaborative Research Center (TRR 241/2),
coordinators C. Becker (Erlangen) and B. Siegmund (Berlin) "Immune-epithelial communication in inflammatory bowel
diseases" |
2022 - 2026 |
Schulzke |
DFG Research Training Group (GRK 2318/2) "Tight junctions and their proteins: molecular features and actions in
health and disease (TJ-Train)" |
2022 - 2026 |
Bücker |
Project C1 "Toxin effects on paracellular intestinal barrier function", in:
DFG Research Training Group (GRK 2318/2) "Tight junctions and their proteins: molecular
features and actions in health and disease (TJ-Train)"
2021 - 2024 |
Schulzke |
DFG Research Grant (Schu 559/11-5) "Mechanismen epithelialer Barrierestörung bei gastrointestinalen Infektionen" |
2017 - 2020
2020 - 2022 |
Schulzke |
Project IP8 "Strengthening the intestinal barrier in
Campylobacter infection", in
BMBF Consortium "Preventing and combating Campylobacter infections: On track towards a
One Health approach (PAC-CAMPY)“, Coordinator Thomas Alter, VetMed FU Berlin |
2020 |
et al. |
DFG major instrumentation (Großgerät, 700 T€) STED super-resolution confocal microscope,
consortium project: Schulzke JD, Bücker R |
2018 - 2022 |
Krug, Schulzke |
Project B06 "Interplay of the impaired tight junction and the subjacent immune cells
in IBD", in: DFG Transregio Collaborative Research Center (TRR 241/1),
coordinators C. Becker (Erlangen) and B. Siegmund (Berlin) "Immune-epithelial communication in inflammatory bowel
diseases" |
2017 - 2022 |
Schulzke |
DFG Research Training Group (GRK 2318/1) "Tight junctions and their proteins: molecular features and actions in
health and disease (TJ-Train)" |
2017 - 2022 |
Troeger |
Project C1 "Toxin effects on paracellular intestinal barrier function", in:
DFG Research Training Group (GRK 2318/1) "Tight junctions and their proteins: molecular
features and actions in health and disease (TJ-Train)"
2017 - 2022 |
Fromm, Schulzke |
Project A3 "Claudin- and TAMP-mediated water transport", in:
DFG Research Training Group (GRK 2318/1) "Tight junctions and their proteins: molecular
features and actions in health and disease (TJ-Train)"
2017 - 2020 |
Schulzke |
DFG Research Grant (Schu 559/11-3) "Mechanismen epithelialer Barrierestörung bei gastrointestinalen Infektionen" |
2016 |
Schulzke |
International Conference
"Tight junctions and their proteins", Berlin, 08.09.16 - 10.09.16 (Schu 559/13-1) |
2015 - 2019 |
Aebischer, Schulzke |
Project B3
"Giardia duodenalis – Dendritic cell interaction and intestinal barrier function", in:
DFG Research Training Group (GRK 2046/1) Coordinator S. Hartmann: "Parasite infections: From
experimental models to natural systems".
Continued 2019 - 2024, however, due to changed DFG rules the Co-PIs (here: Schulzke) are no longer part of the
grant |
2014 |
Schulzke, Siegmund |
DFG Major Research Instrumentation (INST 335/515-1) Confocal laser-scanning microscope |
2014 - 2016 |
Schulzke |
DFG Research Grant (Schu 559/11-2) "Mechanismen epithelialer Barrierestörung bei gastrointestinalen Infektionen" |
2010 - 2014 |
Fromm, Schulzke |
Project B2
"Paracellular intestinal barrier - effects of probiotics and feed additives", in:
DFG Collaborative Research Center 852 (SFB 852/1), Coordinator J. Zentek: "Nutrition and intestinal microbiota - host interaction in the pig" |
2006 - 2009
2010 - 2012 |
Schulzke |
Deputy Coordinator:
DFG Research Unit 721 (FOR 721/1, -/2) Coordinator M. Fromm "Molecular structure and function of the tight junction" |
2006 - 2009
2010 - 2012 |
Zeitz |
Project 2
"Tight Junction proteine in inflammatory bowel diseases", in:
DFG Research Unit 721
(FOR 721/1, -/2) "Molecular structure and function of the tight junction" |
2006 - 2009
2010 - 2012 |
Fromm, Schulzke,
Krug |
Project Z
"Freeze fracture electron microscopy; general duties", in:
DFG Research Unit 721
(FOR 721/1, -/2) "Molecular structure and function of the tight junction" |
2011 - 2013 |
Schulzke |
DFG Research Grant (Schu 559/11-1) "Mechanismen epithelialer Barrierestörung bei gastrointestinalen Infektionen" |
2008 - 2011 |
Schumann, Schulzke |
DFG Research Grant (Schu 2389/1-1) "Endozytotic processes in celiac disease". International cooperation with ANR: "From
physiology to the pathophysiology od diet-induced diseases" Heyman (Paris). |
2007 - 2011 |
Zeitz, Stein, Loddenkemper, Schulzke |
Project Z
"Development of morphological methods for diagnosis of mucosal inflammatory reactions and for in situ detection of defined cell populations", in:
DFG Collaborative Research Center 633 (SFB 633/2) Coordinator M. Zeitz, "Induction and modulation of T cell-mediated immune reactions in the gastrointestinal
tract" |
2007 - 2010 |
Schulzke, Zeitz |
DFG Research Grant (Schu 559/10-1) "Transport proteins of the GI mucosa in intestinal autoimmune disesaes" |
1976 - 1982 |
Study of Medicine, Freie Universitaet Berlin |
1982 |
Approbation as physician |
1983 |
Doctoral Thesis, Institute of Clinical Physiology, FU Berlin (supervision Prof. Ulrich Hegel) |
1983 - 1985 |
DFG rsearch scholarship, Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, FU Berlin (Prof. W. Reutter) |
1985 - 1994 |
Postdoc physician / resident (Assistenzarzt), Dept. Gastroenterology (Prof. E.O. Riecken), Universitaetsklinikum Steglitz, Freie Universitaet Berlin |
1990 |
Medical specialist "Arzt für Innere Medizin" |
1991 |
Habilitation, Internal Medicine, advisor Prof. E. O. Riecken |
1994 |
Senior fellow (C2) |
1994 |
Medical sub-specialist "Gastroenterology" |
1996 |
Extraordinary Professor (apl. Prof.) |
1997 |
Assistant Medical Director of Dept. Gastroenterology, UKBF der FU Berlin (Director Prof. E.O. Riecken) |
1999 |
Professor (C3) |
2001 |
Assistant Medical Director of Dept. Gastroenterology, Charité, Campus Benjamin Franklin (Director Prof. M. Zeitz) |
2003 |
Medical specialist "General Medicine" |
2005 - 2008 |
Temporary Director of Dept. General Medicine, Charité, Campus Benjamin Franklin |
2007 |
Appointment for a Professorship of General Medicine with focus on Pathophysiology of Enteral Nutrition (W3-Stiftungsprofessur) |
2008 |
Medical sub-specialist “Nutritional Medicine“ |
2008 - 2013 |
Director of Dept. General Medicine, Charité, Campus Benjamin Franklin |
since 2013 |
Professor for Pathophysiology of Nutrition |
since 2014 |
Head of Clinical Physiology / Nutritional Medicine |
Duties |
2012 - 2017 |
Associate Editor: Tissue barriers |