The Tight Junctions are: Salah (g), Theresa (b), Dirk (d), Susanne (v), Roland (v, h), Christian (g)
Gigs: Contact: Salah (030) 8445-2564
Photos: Alexander Rupp, Michael Fromm 23.09.11 International Tight Junction Conference II, Harnack House, Berlin 10.02.11 Gastroenterologists party CBF+CCM, Alte Fischerhütte, Berlin 20.12.10 Chrismas party KlinPhysio and JDS lab 21.11.10 TJ combo, *-party MF 24.10.09 Party KlinPhysio and DFG Research Unit "Tight Junction" 29.09.08 19th Europ. Stud. Conf., MATRIX Club Berlin
20.06.08 Benjamin Franklin Contest, CBF garden pavilion, poster 26.04.08 International Tight Junction Conference, Harnack House, Berlin 14.12.07 Pub "Club A18", Studentendorf Schlachtensee 09.11.07 Pub "Club A18", Studentendorf Schlachtensee, poster 08.10.07 18th Europ. Stud. Conf., FORX congress venue, Berlin 17.09.07 Charité party, Campus Virchow-Klinikum 22.06.07 Benjamin Franklin Contest, Campus Benjamin Franklin garden pavilion, poster
23.06.06 Benjamin Franklin Contest, Campus Benjamin Franklin garden pavilion 12.08.06 CFM party, Lehrgebäude Campus Virchow-Klinikum 04.08.06 Charité party, Lehrgebäude Campus Virchow-Klinikum 30.09.06 "100 Years Virchow-Klinikum", Campus Virchow-Klinikum,poster 11.07.05 Benjamin Franklin Contest, Campus Benjamin Franklin garden pavilion 18.06.04 Benjamin Franklin Contest, Campus Benjamin Franklin garden pavilion, poster 27.08.04 Charité party "Growing together", Lehrgeb?de Campus Virchow-Klinikum 21.02.04 Pub "B.S.U.G.", Berlin-Schöneberg, poster 04.07.03 Benjamin Franklin Contest, Campus Benjamin Franklin garden pavilion 25.01.03 Pub "B.S.U.G.", Berlin-Schöneberg, poster 08.12.01 Party of the Institute of Clinical Physiology, @MF 04.12.01 12. Science week of the Medical Faculty, FU Berlin, CBF 20.03.01 Foundation "The Tight Junctions" and first practice
The large Tight Junctions investigate pretty small tight junctions
Own scientific pages: Salah, Susanne, Roland, and Theresa