Medizinische Klinik für Gastroenterologie, Infektiologie und Rheumatologie (einschl. Arbeitsbereich Ernährungsmedizin) CBF
Clinical Physiology / Nutritional Medicine

Head:  Prof. Dr. Jörg D. Schulzke

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     Our profile

  "Physiology" we define by a central question: "How does it work?"

  For answering this question we apply several methods including molecular biology, electrophysiology, microbiology, biophysics, laser-scanning microscopy, and freeze-fracture electron microscopy

  We investigate all levels of the organism: molecules, cells, tissues, organs, and the whole body

  Our approach is translational as it combines basic research with topics related to diseases of the intestines, kidneys, nerves, and skin

  Main research topics are the tight junction and membrane channel molecules of the "intelligent borders of the body", the epithelia

  We perform numerous collaborative projects with colleagues from clinical departments

  Clinical Physiology / Nutritional Medicine is a unit within the Dept. of Gastroenterology, Rheumatology, and Infectious Diseases, located on the Campus Benjamin Franklin

   News update       Blog archive
  • Martínez-Perafán F, Fromm A, van der Veen RE, Waldow A, Lehmann M, Krug SM, Günzel D, Rosenthal R, Fromm M, Piontek J (2025) Effect of claudin-1 or -3 expression on cation and water channel properties of claudin-2. Acta Physiol. 1872(4): 119930 (17 pages). doi: 10.1016/j.bbamcr.2025.119930 (°IF 4.6)

  • Mathew-Schmitt S, Oerter S, Reitenbach E, Gätzner S, Höchner A, Jahnke HG, Piontek J, Neuhaus W, Brachner A, Metzger M, Appelt-Menzel A (2025) Generation of advanced blood-brain barrier spheroids using human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived brain capillary endothelial-like cells. Adv. Biol.  9(#): e2400442 (online ahead of print) (14 pages). doi: 10.1002/adbi.202400442 (°IF 3.2)

Research topics

External collaborations
(*PhD) (°MD) (GRK)
  Staff Doctoral students  (*PhD) (°MD) (GRK)
Tight junctions and their proteins
- Claudin family
- TAMP family
- Angulin family

DFG Research Training Group 
"TJ-Train" GRK 2318

(Progenitor: DFG Research Unit 721)

  Jörg Schulzke,
Michael Fromm,
Dorothee Günzel,
Susanne Krug,
Luca Meoli,
Jörg Piontek,
Rita Rosenthal
  Surgery: Nina Hering
Physiology, Univ. Kiel: Susanne Milatz
Vet. Physiology FU Berlin:
Salah Amasheh
Molecular structure
- Molec. structure of single claudins
- Molec. arrangement of heteromers
- Molec. structure of tricellulin
  Jörg Piontek,
Dorothee Günzel,
Susanne Krug,
Santhosh Nagarajan
Joy Weber* (A2), Ayk Waldow* (A2)
Physiology, Univ. Kiel: Susanne Milatz

Functional properties
- Barriers and ion channels
- Water channels
- Tricellular tight junction

  Michael Fromm,
Dorothee Günzel,
Susanne Krug,
Rita Rosenthal
Alina Handreg* (A3),
Fabian Martinez-Perafan* (A3)

Diseases and pathologies
- Inflammatory bowel diseases
- Cytokines & interleukins

- Epithelial cancers

DFG Transregio-SFB TRR 241

  Jörg Schulzke,
Roland Bücker,
Susanne Krug
Amélie Moll* (C2),
Janna Bleck* (B06)
Gastroenterology: Michael Schumann, Christian Bojarski, Hans-Jörg Epple, Valerie Masete* (C4), Hannah Lutz° (C4)
Pathogens and TJ

BMBF Consortium "PAC-CAMPY"

  Jörg Schulzke,
Roland Bücker,
Dorothee Günzel
Martina Schneemann* (C1) Gastroenterology: Hans-Jörg Epple, Surgery: Nina Hering
- Diets and nutrients
- Celiac disease
  Jörg Schulzke,
Rita Rosenthal,
Roland Bücker
  Gastroenterology: Michael Schumann
Pathol.+Gastroent.: Subhakankha (Victor) Manna* (B2)
- Claudins of the kidney
- FHHNC,  - Ca2+,  - Mg2+
  Dorothee Günzel,
Susanne Krug,

Luca Meoli
  Pediatric Nephrology: Dominik Müller, Tilman Breiderhoff,
Physiology, Univ. Kiel:
Susanne Milatz
- Pain reduction in peripheral nerve

DFG Klin. Forschungsgr. KFO 5001

  Susanne Krug Lukas Knobe* (P7) Anesthesiology Würzburg: Heike Rittner
- Macromolecule permeation
- Drug absorption enhancers
  Susanne Krug,
Michael Fromm,
Rita Rosenthal
Topics except TJ
- Epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC)
- Physiology of the eye
  Jörg Schulzke,
Michael Fromm
Rita Rosenthal
Martina Schneemann* (C1),  
- Impedance spectroscopy

- Electron microscopy

- Organoid culture
  Dorothee Günzel,
Susanne Krug,
Jörg Piontek
In-Fah Lee
Evgeniya Kochina* (A1), Saeed Khomeijani Farahani* (A1),
Anatomy: Sebastian Bachmann
Roman Shobik* (A4), Rozemarijn van der Veen* (A4)


The Institute of Clinical Physiology was founded in 1969 and chaired until 1995 by Klaus Hierholzer ( 2007), followed by Michael Wiederholt. (1995-2002) and Michael Fromm (2002-2014, now appointed as Charité seniorprofessor).
Retired professors are Ulrich Hegel and Hans Ebel.
Present head of Clinical Physiology / Nutritional Medicine is Jörg D.Schulzke.


The main building of the Campus Benjamin Franklin (CBF)
of the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
   University Hospital Benjamin Franklin (UKBF) pics
Address:    Clinical Physiology / Nutritional Medicine
Charité - Universitäsmedizin Berlin
Campus Benjamin Franklin
Hindenburgdamm 30
12203 Berlin (Steglitz), Germany
  Google Maps
Public transportation: Subway (U-Bahn "U9") or local train (S-Bahn "S1") 
to "Rathaus Steglitz", then change for bus 285 or M85, 
exit bus stop "Universitätsklinikum Benjamin Franklin"  Local map
Fares: Single ticket for 2 hrs, unlimited changes: "AB" 2.80 Euro
or, ONLY bus 285 or M85 from Rathaus Steglitz: "Kurzstrecke" 1.70 Euro  
Professor Dr. med. Jörg D. Schulzke
Phone: +49 30 450-514531
FAX: +49 30 450-514962

Representative of the German Research Foundation
(DFG) at the Charité, Prof. Dr. Michael Fromm:

Hints and advice

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